Cristian Axenie wrote:
> Hi all !
> I try to boot the kernel and rootfs using NFS!
> Next is my u-boot env:


> bootfile=/home/haustiq/development/uImage

Likely wrong (see below).

> My problem is that when I
> run bootcmd
> I get :
> Speed: 100, full duplex
> Using eTSEC0 device
> TFTP from server; our IP address is
> Filename '/home/haustiq/development/uImage'.

This does *NOT* look like a valid path.  TFTP servers typically serve 
out of a dedicated directory (often /tftpboot) and the paths to the 
files are usually relative to the root folder.

You probably want to copy your uImage to /tftpboot/uImage and use the 
file name either uImage or /uImage or /tftboot/uImage.

Do a "tftp get" from a computer, preferably not your tftp server 
computer, to figure out your TFTP server path and file names before 
trying to TFTP from u-boot.

If you run stuck, use wireshark on your server to see what is going on 
on the wire.

> Load address: 0x1000000
> Loading: *
> TFTP error: 'Access violation' (2)
> Starting again
> Any ideas ?

Wrong path/file.

Good luck,

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