On Friday 23 October 2009 17:43:18 Richard Retanubun wrote:
> I am sorry if this has been asked before, It does not appear so on the
>  mailing list archive.
> I'd like to replace do_reset function with my own custom one, (i.e.
>  resetting by not petting an external hw watchdog).
> In previous discussion,
> http://lists.denx.de/pipermail/u-boot/2007-January/018848.html
> Wolfgang seems to favor creating a custom-board specific command (e.g.
>  wdreset) and calling that but If I do that, I have to replace all
>  instances of do_reset that matters to my board. It seems simpler to simply
>  'hijack and replace/enhance' the existing 'do_reset' to do my bidding.
> Is there a recommended way of doing this? Any chance of adding something
>  like this:
> /cpu/$some-cpu/cpu.c
> do_reset()
> {
>       custom_board_reset();
> #endif;
> <normal do_reset command>
> }
> This way each board can define their own "call_custom_board" function.

#ifdef's are the past.  weaks are in!

the Blackfin port already does:
void board_reset(void) __attribute__((__weak__));
    if (board_reset)

the bf537-stamp uses this to make sure some pins are driven low to workaround 
weak pull ups in the hardware

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