On Fri, Feb 24, 2017 at 3:06 PM, Jean-Jacques Hiblot <jjhib...@ti.com> wrote:
> On 24/02/2017 13:59, Sam Protsenko wrote:
>> On Fri, Feb 24, 2017 at 10:53 AM, Jean-Jacques Hiblot <jjhib...@ti.com>
>> wrote:
>>> On 23/02/2017 20:28, Sam Protsenko wrote:
>>>> On Thu, Feb 23, 2017 at 5:14 PM, Jean-Jacques Hiblot <jjhib...@ti.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> On 23/02/2017 14:46, Sam Protsenko wrote:
>>>>>> On Wed, Feb 22, 2017 at 10:27 AM, Jean-Jacques Hiblot
>>>>>> <jjhib...@ti.com>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> The problems with the current DFU layout are:
>>>>>>> MMC: The space allocated for u-boot is too small for the latest
>>>>>>> u-boot
>>>>>>>         (>750KB). We need to increase it. eMMC uses a much bigger
>>>>>>> area
>>>>>>> (2MB).
>>>>>>> eMMC: region "u-boot.img.raw" overlaps the environment area and the
>>>>>>> region
>>>>>>>          "spl-os-image.raw".
>>>>>>> both: region "spl-os-image.raw" is quite small and can't handle
>>>>>>> android
>>>>>>>          kernels
>>>>>>> Fixing this requires growing some regions and moving others.
>>>>>>> Care has been taken to leave some room for further growth of
>>>>>>> "spl-os-args.raw".
>>>>>>> Also the "env" now appears in the dfu so that it's apparent that the
>>>>>>> region is not free space that can be used to grow "u-boot.img.raw".
>>>>>>> The total space allocated for those raw binaries is 16MB, of which
>>>>>>> 13+MB
>>>>>>> are reserved for the kernel image.
>>>>>>> Signed-off-by: Jean-Jacques Hiblot <jjhib...@ti.com>
>>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>> Sam,
>>>>>>> This patch goes a bit further in changing the layout of the MMC than
>>>>>>> yours. However
>>>>>>> it doesn't update the GPT partitioning. This would still be needed.
>>>>>> Hi Jean-Jacques,
>>>>>> Got a couple of questions about this change and my patch (changing
>>>>>> eMMC partitions table), about how to make them play nice together.
>>>>>> 1. How DFU table is connected to eMMC partition table? And why my
>>>>>> patch was interfering with DFU table?
>>>>> AFAIK DFU is not related to GPT. I never used the GPT so I can't for
>>>>> sure
>>>>> how it fits together.
>>>>> My guess is that env_mmc.c has no idea that GPT even exists and uses
>>>>> raw
>>>>> access to the eMMC. In this case CONFIG_ENV_OFFSET must be defined to
>>>>> point
>>>>> at the beginning of your env partition and must be adapted when the GPT
>>>>> is
>>>>> updated. The same goes for the DFU. Ideally GPT and DFU should use the
>>>>> same
>>>>> layout (at least for MLO, u-boot, kernel and args).
>>>>>> 2. Can I change CONFIG_ENV_OFFSET? Because my changes is going to move
>>>>>> "reserved" partition on eMMC, where U-Boot environment is stored. Or
>>>>>> it should be in sync with DFU table somehow? If yes -- we should work
>>>>>> together to find solution that works best for both cases.
>>>>> CONFIG_ENV_OFFSET is loosely related to DFU: we don't update the
>>>>> environment
>>>>> through DFU. However we must make sure that the area used to store the
>>>>> env
>>>>> doesn't overlap a another region (MLO, u-boot, kernel, args). The dfu
>>>>> doesn't define those regions, it's done with #defines like
>>>>> "remote"
>>>>> upgrade.
>>>> So if I change eMMC GPT partition table, it's ok for me to update
>>>> CONFIG_ENV_OFFSET as well, right?
>>> Yes you need to change it
>>>>    Because in my case CONFIG_ENV_OFFSET
>>>> is going to be different from the value your patch sets. In case of
>>>> eMMC table, we're using "reserved" partition to store U-Boot
>>>> environment, and I want it to be at 1664 KiB, which gives us
>>>> CONFIG_ENV_OFFSET=0x1A0000. Is it ok if I change it to that value? Or
>>>> something else must be changed along with it? If yes, then what
>>>> exactly?
>>> You need to adapt DFU if you plan to use it. Maybe you can define a new
>>> layout for DFU, something like dfu_alt_info_emmc_gpt that will reflect
>>> your
>>> GPT layout
>>> Anyway IMO it would be good to use the same offset/size for GPT and
>>> non-GPT
>>> case for the following regions:
>>> - MLO
>>> - u-boot
>>> - env
>>> For MLO we already use the same: offset 128kB / size 256kB
>>> For u-boot, you increased the size to 1MB, I suggest that we increase it
>>> a
>>> bit more (1.5MB or 2MB) just to make sure that we don't have to increase
>>> its
>>> size again next year.
>>> For the env, I suggest that the size is increased to 256kB to take care
>>> of
>>> redundant env.
>> Thank you for detailed explanation. I'm gonna get back to that task in
>> a few weeks, don't have enough time right now. Once I come up with
>> some particular patch, I will add you to reviewers, to be sure that
>> DFU part is correct.
> Before you switch to another task maybe we can agree on the offset and sizes
> for MLO, u-boot and env so that I can do the necessary changes on my side
> (dfu, #defines).
Sure. I agree with you that we should increase U-Boot partition. I'm
gonna do next layout for eMMC table:

    MLO: start=128K, size=256K
    U-Boot: size=2M
    DTB: size=128K
    misc: size=128K
    U-Boot environment: size=256K
    efs: size=16M
    crypto: size=16K
    recovery: size=10M
    boot: size=10M
    system: size=768M
    cache: size=256M
    ipu1: size=1M
    ipu2: size=1M
    userdata: size=the rest of eMMC space

Is it ok with you? Also, we should check if it's ok with Praneeth, as
he mentioned that some changes to that table may be necessary in the
future (from Android side).

>>>> Thanks.
>>>>>> 3. What about my similar patch for AM57x EVM (see [1])? Is it fine, or
>>>>>> it affects DFU table as well?
>>>>> I guess it's OK because the env is stored in a FAT partition:
>>>>> CONFIG_ENV_OFFSET is not used
>>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>>> [1] https://patchwork.ozlabs.org/patch/730736/
>>>>>>> tested on DRA7. DFU updates ok for MMC and eMMC
>>>>>>> Jean-Jacques
>>>>>>>     include/configs/dra7xx_evm.h      |  2 +-
>>>>>>>     include/configs/omap5_uevm.h      |  2 +-
>>>>>>>     include/configs/ti_armv7_common.h |  7 ++++---
>>>>>>>     include/environment/ti/dfu.h      | 14 ++++++++------
>>>>>>>     4 files changed, 14 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
>>>>>>> diff --git a/include/configs/dra7xx_evm.h
>>>>>>> b/include/configs/dra7xx_evm.h
>>>>>>> index bce2816..a56c224 100644
>>>>>>> --- a/include/configs/dra7xx_evm.h
>>>>>>> +++ b/include/configs/dra7xx_evm.h
>>>>>>> @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
>>>>>>>     #define CONFIG_ENV_IS_IN_MMC
>>>>>>>     #define CONFIG_SYS_MMC_ENV_DEV         1       /* SLOT2: eMMC(1)
>>>>>>> */
>>>>>>>     #define CONFIG_ENV_SIZE                        (128 << 10)
>>>>>>> -#define CONFIG_ENV_OFFSET              0xE0000
>>>>>>> +#define CONFIG_ENV_OFFSET              0x220000
>>>>>>>     #endif
>>>>>>> diff --git a/include/configs/omap5_uevm.h
>>>>>>> b/include/configs/omap5_uevm.h
>>>>>>> index 736d804..127776e 100644
>>>>>>> --- a/include/configs/omap5_uevm.h
>>>>>>> +++ b/include/configs/omap5_uevm.h
>>>>>>> @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
>>>>>>>     #define CONFIG_ENV_IS_IN_MMC
>>>>>>>     #define CONFIG_SYS_MMC_ENV_DEV         1       /* SLOT2: eMMC(1)
>>>>>>> */
>>>>>>>     #define CONFIG_ENV_SIZE                        (128 << 10)
>>>>>>> -#define CONFIG_ENV_OFFSET              0xE0000
>>>>>>> +#define CONFIG_ENV_OFFSET              0x220000
>>>>>>> diff --git a/include/configs/ti_armv7_common.h
>>>>>>> b/include/configs/ti_armv7_common.h
>>>>>>> index 905e1ef..4cfa134 100644
>>>>>>> --- a/include/configs/ti_armv7_common.h
>>>>>>> +++ b/include/configs/ti_armv7_common.h
>>>>>>> @@ -282,9 +282,10 @@
>>>>>>>     #define CONFIG_SPL_FS_LOAD_ARGS_NAME           "args"
>>>>>>>     /* RAW SD card / eMMC */
>>>>>>> -#define CONFIG_SYS_MMCSD_RAW_MODE_KERNEL_SECTOR        0x900   /*
>>>>>>> address 0x120000 */
>>>>>>> -#define CONFIG_SYS_MMCSD_RAW_MODE_ARGS_SECTOR  0x80    /* address
>>>>>>> 0x10000 */
>>>>>>> -#define CONFIG_SYS_MMCSD_RAW_MODE_ARGS_SECTORS 0x80    /* 64KiB */
>>>>>>> +#define CONFIG_SYS_MMCSD_RAW_MODE_KERNEL_SECTOR        0x1500  /*
>>>>>>> address 0x2A0000 */
>>>>>>> +#define CONFIG_SYS_MMCSD_RAW_MODE_ARGS_SECTOR  0x1300  /* address
>>>>>>> 0x260000 */
>>>>>>> +#define CONFIG_SYS_MMCSD_RAW_MODE_ARGS_SECTORS 0x100   /* 128KiB */
>>>>>>> +
>>>>>>>     /* spl export command */
>>>>>>>     #define CONFIG_CMD_SPL
>>>>>>> diff --git a/include/environment/ti/dfu.h
>>>>>>> b/include/environment/ti/dfu.h
>>>>>>> index caf71a3..63e0ab8 100644
>>>>>>> --- a/include/environment/ti/dfu.h
>>>>>>> +++ b/include/environment/ti/dfu.h
>>>>>>> @@ -12,9 +12,10 @@
>>>>>>>            "rootfs part 0 2;" \
>>>>>>>            "MLO fat 0 1;" \
>>>>>>>            "MLO.raw raw 0x100 0x100;" \
>>>>>>> -       "u-boot.img.raw raw 0x300 0x400;" \
>>>>>>> -       "spl-os-args.raw raw 0x80 0x80;" \
>>>>>>> -       "spl-os-image.raw raw 0x900 0x2000;" \
>>>>>>> +       "u-boot.img.raw raw 0x300 0xE00;" \
>>>>>>> +       "u-env.raw raw 0x1100 0x200;" \
>>>>>>> +       "spl-os-args.raw raw 0x1300 0x100;" \
>>>>>>> +       "spl-os-image.raw raw 0x1500 0x6B00;" \
>>>>>>>            "spl-os-args fat 0 1;" \
>>>>>>>            "spl-os-image fat 0 1;" \
>>>>>>>            "u-boot.img fat 0 1;" \
>>>>>>> @@ -27,9 +28,10 @@
>>>>>>>            "rootfs part 1 2;" \
>>>>>>>            "MLO fat 1 1;" \
>>>>>>>            "MLO.raw raw 0x100 0x100;" \
>>>>>>> -       "u-boot.img.raw raw 0x300 0x1000;" \
>>>>>>> -       "spl-os-args.raw raw 0x80 0x80;" \
>>>>>>> -       "spl-os-image.raw raw 0x900 0x2000;" \
>>>>>>> +       "u-boot.img.raw raw 0x300 0xE00;" \
>>>>>>> +       "u-env.raw raw 0x1100 0x200;" \
>>>>>>> +       "spl-os-args.raw raw 0x1300 0x100;" \
>>>>>>> +       "spl-os-image.raw raw 0x1500 0x6B00;" \
>>>>>>>            "spl-os-args fat 1 1;" \
>>>>>>>            "spl-os-image fat 1 1;" \
>>>>>>>            "u-boot.img fat 1 1;" \
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> 1.9.1
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