Previously, dtoc could only process the top-level nodes which led to
device nodes in hierarchical trees to be ignored. E.g. the mmc0 node
in the following example would be ignored, as only the soc node was
  / {
        soc {
                mmc0 {
                        /* ... */

This introduces a recursive helper method ScanNode, which is used by
ScanTree to recursively parse the entire tree hierarchy.

Signed-off-by: Philipp Tomsich <>
 tools/dtoc/ | 19 ++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 18 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/tools/dtoc/ b/tools/dtoc/
index 6df7b0d..fe8b0c2 100755
--- a/tools/dtoc/
+++ b/tools/dtoc/
@@ -66,290 +66,307 @@ def TabTo(num_tabs, str):
 class DtbPlatdata:
     """Provide a means to convert device tree binary data to platform data
     The output of this process is C structures which can be used in space-
     constrained encvironments where the ~3KB code overhead of device tree
     code is not affordable.
         fdt: Fdt object, referencing the device tree
         _dtb_fname: Filename of the input device tree binary file
         _valid_nodes: A list of Node object with compatible strings
         _options: Command-line options
         _phandle_node: A dict of nodes indexed by phandle number (1, 2...)
         _outfile: The current output file (sys.stdout or a real file)
         _lines: Stashed list of output lines for outputting in the future
         _phandle_node: A dict of Nodes indexed by phandle (an integer)
     def __init__(self, dtb_fname, options):
         self._dtb_fname = dtb_fname
         self._valid_nodes = None
         self._options = options
         self._phandle_node = {}
         self._outfile = None
         self._lines = []
     def SetupOutput(self, fname):
         """Set up the output destination
         Once this is done, future calls to self.Out() will output to this
             fname: Filename to send output to, or '-' for stdout
         if fname == '-':
             self._outfile = sys.stdout
             self._outfile = open(fname, 'w')
     def Out(self, str):
         """Output a string to the output file
             str: String to output
     def Buf(self, str):
         """Buffer up a string to send later
             str: String to add to our 'buffer' list
     def GetBuf(self):
         """Get the contents of the output buffer, and clear it
             The output buffer, which is then cleared for future use
         lines = self._lines
         self._lines = []
         return lines
     def GetValue(self, type, value):
         """Get a value as a C expression
         For integers this returns a byte-swapped (little-endian) hex string
         For bytes this returns a hex string, e.g. 0x12
         For strings this returns a literal string enclosed in quotes
         For booleans this return 'true'
             type: Data type (fdt_util)
             value: Data value, as a string of bytes
         if type == fdt.TYPE_INT:
             return '%#x' % fdt_util.fdt32_to_cpu(value)
         elif type == fdt.TYPE_BYTE:
             return '%#x' % ord(value[0])
         elif type == fdt.TYPE_STRING:
             return '"%s"' % value
         elif type == fdt.TYPE_BOOL:
             return 'true'
     def GetCompatName(self, node):
         """Get a node's first compatible string as a C identifier
             node: Node object to check
             C identifier for the first compatible string
         compat = node.props['compatible'].value
         if type(compat) == list:
             compat = compat[0]
         return Conv_name_to_c(compat)
     def ScanDtb(self):
         """Scan the device tree to obtain a tree of notes and properties
         Once this is done, self.fdt.GetRoot() can be called to obtain the
         device tree root node, and progress from there.
         self.fdt = fdt_select.FdtScan(self._dtb_fname)
+    def ScanNode(self, root):
+        for node in root.subnodes:
+            if 'compatible' in node.props:
+                status = node.props.get('status')
+                if (not options.include_disabled and not status or
+                    status.value != 'disabled'):
+                    self._valid_nodes.append(node)
+                    phandle_prop = node.props.get('phandle')
+                    if phandle_prop:
+                        phandle = phandle_prop.GetPhandle()
+                        self._phandle_node[phandle] = node
+            # recurse to handle any subnodes
+            self.ScanNode(node);
     def ScanTree(self):
         """Scan the device tree for useful information
         This fills in the following properties:
             _phandle_node: A dict of Nodes indexed by phandle (an integer)
             _valid_nodes: A list of nodes we wish to consider include in the
                 platform data
-        node_list = []
         self._phandle_node = {}
+        self._valid_nodes = []
+        return self.ScanNode(self.fdt.GetRoot());
         for node in self.fdt.GetRoot().subnodes:
             if 'compatible' in node.props:
                 status = node.props.get('status')
                 if (not options.include_disabled and not status or
                     status.value != 'disabled'):
                     phandle_prop = node.props.get('phandle')
                     if phandle_prop:
                         phandle = phandle_prop.GetPhandle()
                         self._phandle_node[phandle] = node
         self._valid_nodes = node_list
     def IsPhandle(self, prop):
         """Check if a node contains phandles
         We have no reliable way of detecting whether a node uses a phandle
         or not. As an interim measure, use a list of known property names.
             prop: Prop object to check
             True if the object value contains phandles, else False
         if in ['clocks']:
             return True
         return False
     def ScanStructs(self):
         """Scan the device tree building up the C structures we will use.
         Build a dict keyed by C struct name containing a dict of Prop
         object for each struct field (keyed by property name). Where the
         same struct appears multiple times, try to use the 'widest'
         property, i.e. the one with a type which can express all others.
         Once the widest property is determined, all other properties are
         updated to match that width.
         structs = {}
         for node in self._valid_nodes:
             node_name = self.GetCompatName(node)
             fields = {}
             # Get a list of all the valid properties in this node.
             for name, prop in node.props.items():
                 if name not in PROP_IGNORE_LIST and name[0] != '#':
                     fields[name] = copy.deepcopy(prop)
             # If we've seen this node_name before, update the existing struct.
             if node_name in structs:
                 struct = structs[node_name]
                 for name, prop in fields.items():
                     oldprop = struct.get(name)
                     if oldprop:
                         struct[name] = prop
             # Otherwise store this as a new struct.
                 structs[node_name] = fields
         upto = 0
         for node in self._valid_nodes:
             node_name = self.GetCompatName(node)
             struct = structs[node_name]
             for name, prop in node.props.items():
                 if name not in PROP_IGNORE_LIST and name[0] != '#':
             upto += 1
         return structs
     def GenerateStructs(self, structs):
         """Generate struct defintions for the platform data
         This writes out the body of a header file consisting of structure
         definitions for node in self._valid_nodes. See the documentation in
         README.of-plat for more information.
         self.Out('#include <stdbool.h>\n')
         self.Out('#include <libfdt.h>\n')
         # Output the struct definition
         for name in sorted(structs):
             self.Out('struct %s%s {\n' % (STRUCT_PREFIX, name));
             for pname in sorted(structs[name]):
                 prop = structs[name][pname]
                 if self.IsPhandle(prop):
                     # For phandles, include a reference to the target
                     self.Out('\t%s%s[%d]' % (TabTo(2, 'struct phandle_2_cell'),
                                              len(prop.value) / 2))
                     ptype = TYPE_NAMES[prop.type]
                     self.Out('\t%s%s' % (TabTo(2, ptype),
                     if type(prop.value) == list:
                         self.Out('[%d]' % len(prop.value))
     def GenerateTables(self):
         """Generate device defintions for the platform data
         This writes out C platform data initialisation data and
         U_BOOT_DEVICE() declarations for each valid node. See the
         documentation in README.of-plat for more information.
         self.Out('#include <common.h>\n')
         self.Out('#include <dm.h>\n')
         self.Out('#include <dt-structs.h>\n')
         node_txt_list = []
         for node in self._valid_nodes:
             struct_name = self.GetCompatName(node)
             var_name = Conv_name_to_c(
             self.Buf('static struct %s%s %s%s = {\n' %
                 (STRUCT_PREFIX, struct_name, VAL_PREFIX, var_name))
             for pname, prop in node.props.items():
                 if pname in PROP_IGNORE_LIST or pname[0] == '#':
                 ptype = TYPE_NAMES[prop.type]
                 member_name = Conv_name_to_c(
                 self.Buf('\t%s= ' % TabTo(3, '.' + member_name))
                 # Special handling for lists
                 if type(prop.value) == list:
                     vals = []
                     # For phandles, output a reference to the platform data
                     # of the target node.
                     if self.IsPhandle(prop):
                         # Process the list as pairs of (phandle, id)
                         it = iter(prop.value)
                         for phandle_cell, id_cell in zip(it, it):
                             phandle = fdt_util.fdt32_to_cpu(phandle_cell)
                             id = fdt_util.fdt32_to_cpu(id_cell)
                             target_node = self._phandle_node[phandle]
                             name = Conv_name_to_c(
                             vals.append('{&%s%s, %d}' % (VAL_PREFIX, name, id))
                         for val in prop.value:
                             vals.append(self.GetValue(prop.type, val))
                     self.Buf(', '.join(vals))
                     self.Buf(self.GetValue(prop.type, prop.value))
             # Add a device declaration
             self.Buf('U_BOOT_DEVICE(%s) = {\n' % var_name)
             self.Buf('\\t\t= "%s",\n' % struct_name)
             self.Buf('\t.platdata\t= &%s%s,\n' % (VAL_PREFIX, var_name))
             self.Buf('\t.platdata_size\t= sizeof(%s%s),\n' %
                      (VAL_PREFIX, var_name))
             # Output phandle target nodes first, since they may be referenced
             # by others
             if 'phandle' in node.props:
         # Output all the nodes which are not phandle targets themselves, but
         # may reference them. This avoids the need for forward declarations.
         for node_txt in node_txt_list:

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