
I tired to build u-boot master for Snow board, install grub, chainload grub.

In short, it fails.

First, u-boot searches for EFI loader in ${distro_bootpart} which
defaults to unset and is interpreted as 1. grub wants the partition it
installs to to have the EFI System GUID. So to boot you need to set
the first partition to EFI System GUID and install grub there.
Further, grub installs as EFI/debian/grubarm.efi while u-boot searches
for /efi/boot/bootarm.efi. This is not even a  variable - it's
hardcoded in several places in the default efi boot script. Given that
saving environment does not work on Snow changing the environment
requires rebuild either way. Or change what is on the disk.

Finally, when grub loads I get this:

snow # setenv distro_bootpart 4
snow # boot
switch to partitions #0, OK
mmc1 is current device
Scanning mmc 1:4...
Found EFI removebla media binary efi/boot/bootarm.efi
reading efi/boot/bootarm.efi
88576 bytes read in 42 ms (2 MiB/s)
libfdt fdt_check_header(): FDT_ERR_BADMAGIC
## Starting EFI application at 42000000 ...
Scanning disks on usb...
Scanning disks on mmc...
MMC Device 2 not found
MMC Device 3 not found
Found 6 disks

And that is all.

No reaction to keypresses.

Any idea what is wrong in this case? It seems like grub starts and
then fails to do whatever it is supposed to do. Is there some special
support in grub needed? I would expect that would be against the point
of having an EFI emulation, right?


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