Various USB related comits for the CL-SOM-AM57x module.

V1 -> V2: Replace commit "fix XHCI registers base address" with "reintroduce 
the CONFIG_AM57XX symbol".

Uri Mashiach (6):
  arm: am57xx: reintroduce the CONFIG_AM57XX symbol
  usb: host: xhci-omap: fix double weak board_usb_init functions
  arm: am57xx: cl-som-am57x: invoke clock API to enable/disable clocks
  arm: am57xx: cl-som-am57x: fix USB scan
  arm: am57xx: cl-som-am57x: enable USB storage
  arm: am57xx: cl-som-am57x: enable USB commands

 board/compulab/cl-som-am57x/cl-som-am57x.c | 10 ----------
 board/ti/am43xx/board.c                    |  4 ++--
 board/ti/am57xx/board.c                    |  4 ++--
 board/ti/dra7xx/evm.c                      |  4 ++--
 configs/cl-som-am57x_defconfig             |  2 ++
 drivers/usb/host/xhci-omap.c               | 19 +++++++++++++++++--
 include/configs/am57xx_evm.h               |  1 +
 include/configs/cl-som-am57x.h             |  5 +++--
 include/linux/usb/xhci-omap.h              |  2 +-
 scripts/config_whitelist.txt               |  1 +
 10 files changed, 31 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)


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