On 02/03/2017 11:23 AM, Tom Rini wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 03, 2017 at 09:57:03AM +0530, Vignesh R wrote:
>> On Friday 03 February 2017 03:48 AM, Strashko, Grygorii wrote:
>>> Convert OMAP hsmmc driver to use driver-model block devices.
>>> Signed-off-by: Grygorii Strashko <grygorii.stras...@ti.com>
>>> ---
>>> Hi All,
>>> First of all, sorry if my questions/problems are looks dumb, I'm very new 
>>> with u-boot.
>>> This is my attampt to enable CONFIG_BLK on OMAP platforms which is blocked 
>>> now
>>> by omap_hsmmc driver. omap_hsmmc required to be updated to use driver-model 
>>> block
>>> devices at minimum (and max to use dm_mmc_ops). Also, as per my 
>>> understanding,
>>> CONFIG_BLK is blocker for other tasks like enabling driver model for OMAP 
>>> sata devices.
>>> With this patch I can boot from mmc on am335x-evm, but there are
>>> two problems I need help with: 
>>> 1) My changes in Makefiles looks really ugly, but without them SPL build 
>>> will
>>>   fail because undef'ing in include/configs/am335x_evm.h does not take 
>>> effect
>>>   in Makefile (thanks Vignesh for the information [1]) and I, honestly, do 
>>> not
>>>   know how to fix it in better way, so I'd be appreciated for any help.
>>>   Comparing to Vignesh's case, files which need to be excluded from build
>>>   are generic and I worry that there can be dependecy from CONFIG_SPL_DM.
>>> diff --git a/configs/am335x_evm_defconfig b/configs/am335x_evm_defconfig
>>> index 6f624e9..d36e7d4 100644
>>> --- a/configs/am335x_evm_defconfig
>>> +++ b/configs/am335x_evm_defconfig
>>> @@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ CONFIG_CMD_GPIO=y
>>>  CONFIG_OF_LIST="am335x-evm am335x-bone am335x-boneblack am335x-evmsk 
>>> am335x-bonegreen am335x-icev2"
>>> -# CONFIG_BLK is not set
>>> diff --git a/drivers/block/Makefile b/drivers/block/Makefile
>>> index 41217c1..44baee3 100644
>>> --- a/drivers/block/Makefile
>>> +++ b/drivers/block/Makefile
>>> @@ -5,12 +5,16 @@
>>>  # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
>>>  #
>>> -obj-$(CONFIG_BLK) += blk-uclass.o
>>> +obj-$(CONFIG_$(SPL_)BLK) += blk-uclass.o
>>>  ifndef CONFIG_BLK
>>>  obj-y += blk_legacy.o
>>>  endif
>>> +ifdef SPL_
>>> +obj-y += blk_legacy.o
>>> +endif
>> I am facing a same problem with DM_ETH as well.
>> How about something like:
>> ifeq ($(CONFIG_$(SPL_)DM)$(CONFIG_BLK),yy)
>> obj-y += blk_uclass.o
>> else
>> obj-y += blk_legacy.o
>> endif
>> Is this an acceptable solution?
> No, I think this is really highlighting that we need to figure out a
> solution to using DM inside of SPL on these classes of devices.  I think
> the last time I started to think out loud about how to solve this my
> suggestion was to make a "dummy" board dts file that is correct enough
> for SPL needs and that we can bring up full U-Boot on.  Off the top of
> my head, the differences between BBB/BBW/GP-EVM/EVM-SK/BBG are not
> things we would see inside of SPL.  In a similar manner we should be
> able to get am43xx going, and dra7xx/am57xx going.

We don't really need DT support in SPL for using DM, we could statically
instantiate device drivers using a board file type system,
platform_add_device(device_data) etc..

My biggest objection is in SPL bloat. What do we get by adding DM to
SPL? Code re-use is nice, but SPL had hard needs in speed and size that
will continue to be eroded by these changes.

Perhaps it is time to re-consider adding separate defconfigs/Makefiles
for SPL?

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