Am 20.01.2017 um 18:18 schrieb Marek Vasut:
> On 01/20/2017 05:45 PM, Frank Kunz wrote:
> Hi,
>> This patch adds common distribution boot environment variables for
>> DE0-nanos-SoC board. It disables the watchdog enalbe in uboot since
>> this is done by the OS.
> So if the board hangs in U-Boot, with this patch you're doomed.

Yes, this is a risk. An option could be to extend the watchdog timeout.
I had the problem that the watchdog triggered during initrd rewrite on
first boot of openSUSE. That remains the system in an un-bootable state.
Currently the timeout is 30 seconds and I think it needs to be extended
to minutes.

>> The MMC boot mode is switched to raw mode, which
>> gets rid of the 0xa2 special partition. The SOC ROM loader scans for
>> the SPL in the special partition (partition mode) and from MMC card
>> sector 0 (raw mode), each for four valid SPLs.
> So all existing systems will be rendered unbootable if I apply this patch?

In principle yes. The problem is the bootcmd variable, which is defined
by the current code in a way that will not allow to boot a script. So
far I had no better idea as change it. If you have an example or
proposal how to handle that I will add this.

>> When a partition table is
>> used with raw mode the first SPL must not be written to the MMC and the ROM
>> loader uses the second SPL.
> btw if this patch does multiple things, it should be multiple patches,
> but I'm not too keen on taking it unless the above stuff is sorted out.
> btw please CC Dinh on Altera patches.

Ok, I will split to separate patches and re-send to the list.

Thanks for your feedback.


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