On 11/16/2016 01:23 AM, Wenbin Song wrote:
> Hi: york
> Best Regards
> Wenbin Song
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: york sun
>> Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2016 5:24 AM
>> To: Wenbin Song <wenbin.s...@nxp.com>; albert.u.b...@aribaud.net;
>> Mingkai Hu <mingkai...@nxp.com>; u-boot@lists.denx.de
>> Subject: Re: [PATCH v6 1/2] armv8/fsl-layerscape: fdt: fixup LS1043A rev1 GIC
>> node
>> On 10/31/2016 08:35 PM, Wenbin song wrote:
>>> The LS1043A rev1.1 silicon supports two types of GIC offset: 4K
>>> alignment and 64K alignment. The bit SCFG_GIC400_ALIGN[GIC_ADDR_BIT]
>>> is used to choose which offset will be used. If GIC_ADDR_BIT bit is
>>> set, 4K alignment is used, or else 64K alignment is used. The rev1.0
>>> silicon only supports the CIG offset with 4K alignment.
>> Wenbin,
>> According to your patch and your explanation, the rev 1 SoC supports 4K
>> alignment only. The rev 1.1 and newer SoC supports both 4K and 64K. If you
>> don't do anything in PBI, the default is 64K.
> [] yes. You are  correct .

I would prefer it has 4K alignment if you do nothing in PBI. But I guess 
it is too late to change the hardware.

> Does this 64k alignment apply to
>> any other SoCs?
> []   This patch only apply  to ls1043a.  and the other SOCs  only support one 
> kind of alignment style.  For example, ls1046a align with 64k, ls1012a align 
> with 4k.

In this case, you patch is OK. You can add full SVR check if a future 
SoC needs the same fix.

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