On 11/07/2016 10:03 PM, Yao Yuan wrote:
> On 11/08/2016 02:27 AM, York Sun wrote:
>> On 10/25/2016 07:10 PM, Yuan Yao wrote:
>>> From: Yuan Yao <yao.y...@nxp.com>
>>> The default configuration for QSPI AHB bus can't support 16MB+.
>>> But some flash on NXP layerscape board are more than 16MB.
>> So what do you do?
>> Is this an erratum workaround? If yes, please refer the erratum number.
> Hi York,
> I think It's not an erratum maybe it's better to call it new feature.
> As a default configuration for QSPI AHB, the address size is 3-bytes.
> It has a good compatibility for QSPI boot for different SPI-NOR flash.
> But if the address size is only 3-bytes, the QSPI can't access to the data 
> that more than 16M+.
> So we can update the default configuration for QSPI AHB in uboot to use 
> 4-bytes address.
> So that QSPI can access to 16M+ size by AHB bus.

I cannot figure this out from the change you proposed, or from the 
commit message. Maybe adding some comments next to the code? Those magic 
numbers are better explained.


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