On Sep 23, 2009, at 2:20 AM, Mingkai Hu wrote:

> The MPC8536E is capable of booting from the on-chip ROM - boot from
> eSDHC and boot from eSPI. When power on, the porcessor excutes the
> ROM code to initialize the eSPI/eSDHC controller, and loads the mian
> U-Boot image from the memory device that interfaced to the controller,
> such as the SDCard or SPI EEPROM, to the target memory, e.g. SDRAM or
> L2SRAM, then boot from it.
> The memory device should contain a specific data structure with  
> control
> word and config word at the fixed address. The config word direct the
> process how to config the memory device, and the control word direct
> the processor where to find the image on the memory device, or where
> copy the main image to. The user can use any method to store the data
> structure to the memory device, only if store it on the assigned  
> address.
> The on-chip ROM code will map the whole 4GB address space by setting
> entry0 in the TLB1, so the main image need to switch to Address  
> space 1
> to disable this mapping and map the address space again.
> This patch implements loading the mian U-Boot image into L2SRAM, so
> the image can configure the system memory by using SPD EEPROM.
> Signed-off-by: Mingkai Hu <mingkai...@freescale.com>
> ---
> Change over v3:
> - Aligned owing to the modificatoin of the board config file.
> MAKEALL                             |    2 ++
> Makefile                            |    2 ++
> board/freescale/mpc8536ds/config.mk |   12 ++++++++++++
> include/configs/MPC8536DS.h         |   17 ++++++++++++++++-
> 4 files changed, 32 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

applied to 85xx

- k
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