The following changes since commit 277b59d6df73da71d4f6569e9fc33b6014d236f7:
  Sandeep Paulraj (1):
        TI: DaVinci DM365: Minor config cleanup

are available in the git repository at:

  git:// master

Dirk Behme (1):
      OMAP3 MMC: Fix warning dereferencing type-punned pointer

Olof Johansson (3):
      OMAP3: Clean up whitespace in mux configs
      SMC911X: Add chip auto detection
      TI: OMAP3: Overo Tobi ethernet support

Sandeep Paulraj (3):
      TI: DaVinci DM646x: Update flag used to represent DM646x SOC's
      TI: DaVinci: GPIO header file and definitions
      TI: DaVinci DM365: Enabling network Support on DM365 EVM

Steve Sakoman (1):
      OMAP3: Update Overo and Beagle environment

Tom Rix (1):
      TI OMAP3 Use arm init sequence to initialize i2c

 board/davinci/dm365evm/dm365evm.c        |   43 ++
 board/logicpd/zoom1/zoom1.h              |  164 ++++----
 board/logicpd/zoom2/zoom2.h              |  188 +++++-----
 board/overo/overo.c                      |   59 +++
 board/overo/overo.h                      |  645 +++++++++++++++---------------
 board/pandora/pandora.h                  |  662 +++++++++++++++---------------
 board/ti/beagle/beagle.h                 |  640 ++++++++++++++--------------
 board/ti/evm/evm.h                       |  662 +++++++++++++++---------------
 board/timll/devkit8000/devkit8000.h      |  628 ++++++++++++++--------------
 drivers/mmc/omap3_mmc.c                  |   48 +--
 drivers/net/smc911x.c                    |   14 +-
 drivers/net/smc911x.h                    |    7 +-
 include/asm-arm/arch-davinci/emac_defs.h |    4 +-
 include/asm-arm/arch-davinci/gpio_defs.h |   53 +++
 include/asm-arm/arch-davinci/nand_defs.h |    2 +-
 include/asm-arm/arch-omap3/mmc.h         |    7 +
 include/configs/devkit8000.h             |    1 +
 include/configs/omap3_beagle.h           |   28 +-
 include/configs/omap3_evm.h              |    1 +
 include/configs/omap3_overo.h            |   45 ++-
 include/configs/omap3_pandora.h          |    1 +
 include/configs/omap3_zoom1.h            |    1 +
 include/configs/omap3_zoom2.h            |    1 +
 23 files changed, 2054 insertions(+), 1850 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 include/asm-arm/arch-davinci/gpio_defs.h
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