On top of u-boot-imx/master engicam patches.
- Add framebuffer support  
- Add CMD_BMP and VIDEO_IPV3 kconfig entries
- Move CONFIG_CMD_BMP and CONFIG_VIDEO_IPUV3 to defconfigs

Jagan Teki (6):
  video: Kconfig: Add VIDEO_IPV3 entry
  Move CONFIG_VIDEO_IPUV3 to defconfig
  imx6: icorem6: Add framebuffer support
  imx6: icorem6: Add custom splashscreen support
  Define/Move CONFIG_CMD_BMP to defconfig
  defconfig: icorem6: Enable CONFIG_CMD_BMP

 board/engicam/icorem6/icorem6.c                    | 113 +++++++++++++++++++++
 cmd/Kconfig                                        |  10 ++
 configs/MPC8610HPCD_defconfig                      |   1 +
 configs/T1024QDS_DDR4_SECURE_BOOT_defconfig        |   1 +
 configs/T1024QDS_DDR4_defconfig                    |   1 +
 configs/T1024QDS_NAND_defconfig                    |   1 +
 configs/T1024QDS_SDCARD_defconfig                  |   1 +
 configs/T1024QDS_SECURE_BOOT_defconfig             |   1 +
 configs/T1024QDS_SPIFLASH_defconfig                |   1 +
 configs/T1024QDS_defconfig                         |   1 +
 configs/T1040QDS_DDR4_defconfig                    |   1 +
 configs/T1040QDS_SECURE_BOOT_defconfig             |   1 +
 configs/T1040QDS_defconfig                         |   1 +
 configs/TQM5200_B_HIGHBOOT_defconfig               |   1 +
 configs/TQM5200_B_defconfig                        |   1 +
 configs/TQM5200_STK100_defconfig                   |   1 +
 configs/TQM5200_defconfig                          |   1 +
 configs/aristainetos2_defconfig                    |   2 +
 configs/aristainetos2b_defconfig                   |   2 +
 configs/aristainetos_defconfig                     |   2 +
 configs/brxre1_defconfig                           |   1 +
 configs/cgtqmx6eval_defconfig                      |   1 +
 configs/cm_fx6_defconfig                           |   2 +
 configs/cm_t3517_defconfig                         |   1 +
 configs/cm_t35_defconfig                           |   1 +
 configs/colibri_imx7_defconfig                     |   1 +
 configs/colibri_t20_defconfig                      |   1 +
 ...conga-qeval20-qa3-e3845-internal-uart_defconfig |   1 +
 configs/conga-qeval20-qa3-e3845_defconfig          |   1 +
 .../controlcenterd_36BIT_SDCARD_DEVELOP_defconfig  |   1 +
 configs/controlcenterd_36BIT_SDCARD_defconfig      |   1 +
 .../controlcenterd_TRAILBLAZER_DEVELOP_defconfig   |   1 +
 configs/controlcenterd_TRAILBLAZER_defconfig       |   1 +
 configs/dfi-bt700-q7x-151_defconfig                |   1 +
 configs/digsy_mtc_RAMBOOT_defconfig                |   1 +
 configs/digsy_mtc_defconfig                        |   1 +
 configs/digsy_mtc_rev5_RAMBOOT_defconfig           |   1 +
 configs/digsy_mtc_rev5_defconfig                   |   1 +
 configs/ea20_defconfig                             |   1 +
 configs/gwventana_defconfig                        |   1 +
 configs/icon_defconfig                             |   1 +
 configs/imx31_phycore_defconfig                    |   1 +
 configs/imx31_phycore_eet_defconfig                |   1 +
 configs/imx6qdl_icore_mmc_defconfig                |   2 +
 configs/imx6qdl_icore_nand_defconfig               |   2 +
 configs/ipek01_defconfig                           |   1 +
 configs/ls1021aqds_ddr4_nor_defconfig              |   1 +
 configs/ls1021aqds_ddr4_nor_lpuart_defconfig       |   1 +
 configs/ls1021aqds_nand_defconfig                  |   1 +
 configs/ls1021aqds_nor_SECURE_BOOT_defconfig       |   1 +
 configs/ls1021aqds_nor_defconfig                   |   1 +
 configs/ls1021aqds_nor_lpuart_defconfig            |   1 +
 configs/ls1021aqds_qspi_defconfig                  |   1 +
 configs/ls1021aqds_sdcard_ifc_defconfig            |   1 +
 configs/ls1021aqds_sdcard_qspi_defconfig           |   1 +
 configs/ls1021atwr_nor_SECURE_BOOT_defconfig       |   1 +
 configs/ls1021atwr_nor_defconfig                   |   1 +
 configs/ls1021atwr_nor_lpuart_defconfig            |   1 +
 configs/ls1021atwr_qspi_defconfig                  |   1 +
 .../ls1021atwr_sdcard_ifc_SECURE_BOOT_defconfig    |   1 +
 configs/ls1021atwr_sdcard_ifc_defconfig            |   1 +
 configs/ls1021atwr_sdcard_qspi_defconfig           |   1 +
 configs/lwmon5_defconfig                           |   1 +
 configs/m28evk_defconfig                           |   1 +
 configs/m53evk_defconfig                           |   2 +
 configs/ma5d4evk_defconfig                         |   1 +
 configs/mcx_defconfig                              |   1 +
 configs/mt_ventoux_defconfig                       |   1 +
 configs/mx23evk_defconfig                          |   1 +
 configs/mx28evk_auart_console_defconfig            |   1 +
 configs/mx28evk_defconfig                          |   1 +
 configs/mx28evk_nand_defconfig                     |   1 +
 configs/mx28evk_spi_defconfig                      |   1 +
 configs/mx51evk_defconfig                          |   1 +
 configs/mx53loco_defconfig                         |   1 +
 configs/mx6cuboxi_defconfig                        |   1 +
 configs/mx6qsabreauto_defconfig                    |   1 +
 configs/mx6sabresd_spl_defconfig                   |   1 +
 configs/mx6sxsabresd_defconfig                     |   1 +
 configs/mx6sxsabresd_spl_defconfig                 |   1 +
 configs/mx6ul_14x14_evk_defconfig                  |   1 +
 configs/mx6ul_9x9_evk_defconfig                    |   1 +
 configs/mx7dsabresd_defconfig                      |   1 +
 configs/mx7dsabresd_secure_defconfig               |   1 +
 configs/nitrogen6dl2g_defconfig                    |   2 +
 configs/nitrogen6dl_defconfig                      |   2 +
 configs/nitrogen6q2g_defconfig                     |   2 +
 configs/nitrogen6q_defconfig                       |   2 +
 configs/nitrogen6s1g_defconfig                     |   2 +
 configs/nitrogen6s_defconfig                       |   2 +
 configs/novena_defconfig                           |   1 +
 configs/nyan-big_defconfig                         |   1 +
 configs/pdm360ng_defconfig                         |   1 +
 configs/pxm2_defconfig                             |   1 +
 configs/rut_defconfig                              |   1 +
 configs/sequoia_defconfig                          |   1 +
 configs/sequoia_ramboot_defconfig                  |   1 +
 configs/socrates_defconfig                         |   1 +
 configs/tbs2910_defconfig                          |   1 +
 configs/theadorable-x86-dfi-bt700_defconfig        |   1 +
 configs/theadorable_debug_defconfig                |   1 +
 configs/theadorable_defconfig                      |   1 +
 configs/wandboard_defconfig                        |   1 +
 drivers/video/Kconfig                              |   7 ++
 include/configs/MPC8610HPCD.h                      |   1 -
 include/configs/T102xQDS.h                         |   1 -
 include/configs/T1040QDS.h                         |   1 -
 include/configs/TQM5200.h                          |   4 -
 include/configs/aristainetos-common.h              |   3 -
 include/configs/aristainetos2.h                    |   2 -
 include/configs/aristainetos2b.h                   |   2 -
 include/configs/brxre1.h                           |   1 -
 include/configs/cgtqmx6eval.h                      |   1 -
 include/configs/cm_fx6.h                           |   2 -
 include/configs/cm_t35.h                           |   1 -
 include/configs/cm_t3517.h                         |   1 -
 include/configs/colibri_imx7.h                     |   1 -
 include/configs/colibri_t20.h                      |   1 -
 include/configs/conga-qeval20-qa3-e3845.h          |   1 -
 include/configs/controlcenterd.h                   |   1 -
 include/configs/dfi-bt700.h                        |   1 -
 include/configs/digsy_mtc.h                        |   3 -
 include/configs/ea20.h                             |   1 -
 include/configs/gw_ventana.h                       |   1 -
 include/configs/icon.h                             |   3 -
 include/configs/imx31_phycore.h                    |   1 -
 include/configs/imx6qdl_icore.h                    |  18 ++++
 include/configs/ipek01.h                           |   3 -
 include/configs/ls1021aqds.h                       |   1 -
 include/configs/ls1021atwr.h                       |   1 -
 include/configs/lwmon5.h                           |   4 -
 include/configs/m28evk.h                           |   2 -
 include/configs/m53evk.h                           |   2 -
 include/configs/ma5d4evk.h                         |   1 -
 include/configs/mcx.h                              |   1 -
 include/configs/mt_ventoux.h                       |   1 -
 include/configs/mx23evk.h                          |   1 -
 include/configs/mx28evk.h                          |   1 -
 include/configs/mx51evk.h                          |   1 -
 include/configs/mx53loco.h                         |   1 -
 include/configs/mx6cuboxi.h                        |   1 -
 include/configs/mx6sabre_common.h                  |   1 -
 include/configs/mx6sxsabresd.h                     |   1 -
 include/configs/mx6ul_14x14_evk.h                  |   1 -
 include/configs/mx7dsabresd.h                      |   1 -
 include/configs/nitrogen6x.h                       |   3 -
 include/configs/novena.h                           |   1 -
 include/configs/nyan-big.h                         |   1 -
 include/configs/pdm360ng.h                         |   4 -
 include/configs/pxm2.h                             |   1 -
 include/configs/rut.h                              |   1 -
 include/configs/sequoia.h                          |   1 -
 include/configs/socrates.h                         |   1 -
 include/configs/tbs2910.h                          |   1 -
 include/configs/theadorable.h                      |   1 -
 include/configs/wandboard.h                        |   1 -
 tools/logos/engicam.bmp                            | Bin 0 -> 60214 bytes
 157 files changed, 262 insertions(+), 75 deletions(-)
 create mode 100755 tools/logos/engicam.bmp


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