Dirk Behme wrote:
> Tom wrote:
>> Dirk Behme wrote:
>>> Fix warning
>>> dereferencing type-punned pointer will break strict-aliasing rules
>>> Signed-off-by: Dirk Behme <dirk.be...@googlemail.com>
>>> CC: Steve Sakoman <sako...@gmail.com>
>> This may be improved by consolidating the unions into the omap3 mmc.h 
>> file
>> and using a pointer to union in the mmc_send_cmd.
> Hmmh, I'm not so familiar with unions ;) But moving
> union {
>     unsigned int resp[4];
>     mmc_resp_r3 r3;
>     mmc_resp_r6 r6;
> } mmc_resp;
> and
> union {
>     unsigned int resp[4];
>     mmc_csd_reg_t Card_CSD;
> } mmc_resp;
> into the omap3 mmc.h would mean to make them global and to permanently 
> allocate the space for resp[4]? That is, make local variables allocated 
> locally (on stack?) move to global variables using (wasting?) some 
> additional memory? If so, I'd like to keep stuff local as done by the 
> original version. Sorry if I missed something ;)

I ment just the declaration like

union mmc_resp_t {
      unsigned int resp[4];
      mmc_resp_r3 r3;
      mmc_resp_r6 r6;
      mmc_csd_reg_t Card_CSD;

variables would still be defined in the C file.


> Best regards
> Dirk

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