TI QSPI has four 32 bit data registers which can be used to transfer 16
bytes of data at once. The register group QSPI_SPI_DATA_REG_3,
treated as a single 128-bit word for shifting data in and out. The bit
at QSPI_SPI_DATA_REG_3[31] position is the first bit to be shifted out
in case of 128 bit transfer mode. Therefore the first byte to be written
to flash should be at QSPI_SPI_DATA_REG_3[31-25] position.
Instead of writing 1 byte at a time when interacting with SPI NOR flash,
make use of all the four registers so that 16 bytes can be transferred
in one go.

With this patch, the flash write speed increases from ~250KBs/ to
~650KB/s on DRA74 EVM.

Signed-off-by: Vignesh R <vigne...@ti.com>
 drivers/spi/ti_qspi.c | 37 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
 1 file changed, 31 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/spi/ti_qspi.c b/drivers/spi/ti_qspi.c
index bb72cb03ec24..fe2a280cc7ae 100644
--- a/drivers/spi/ti_qspi.c
+++ b/drivers/spi/ti_qspi.c
@@ -23,6 +23,8 @@ DECLARE_GLOBAL_DATA_PTR;
 #define QSPI_TIMEOUT                    2000000
 #define QSPI_FCLK                      192000000
 #define QSPI_DRA7XX_FCLK                76800000
+#define QSPI_WLEN_MAX_BITS             128
+#define QSPI_WLEN_MAX_BYTES            (QSPI_WLEN_MAX_BITS >> 3)
 /* clock control */
 #define QSPI_CLK_EN                     BIT(31)
 #define QSPI_CLK_DIV_MAX                0xffff
@@ -230,13 +232,33 @@ static int __ti_qspi_xfer(struct ti_qspi_priv *priv, 
unsigned int bitlen,
 #ifdef CONFIG_AM43XX
-       while (words--) {
+       while (words) {
+               u8 xfer_len = 0;
                if (txp) {
-                       debug("tx cmd %08x dc %08x data %02x\n",
-                             priv->cmd | QSPI_WR_SNGL, priv->dc, *txp);
-                       writel(*txp++, &priv->base->data);
-                       writel(priv->cmd | QSPI_WR_SNGL,
-                              &priv->base->cmd);
+                       u32 cmd = priv->cmd;
+                       if (words >= QSPI_WLEN_MAX_BYTES) {
+                               u32 *txbuf = (u32 *)txp;
+                               u32 data;
+                               data = cpu_to_be32(*txbuf++);
+                               writel(data, &priv->base->data3);
+                               data = cpu_to_be32(*txbuf++);
+                               writel(data, &priv->base->data2);
+                               data = cpu_to_be32(*txbuf++);
+                               writel(data, &priv->base->data1);
+                               data = cpu_to_be32(*txbuf++);
+                               writel(data, &priv->base->data);
+                               cmd |= QSPI_WLEN(QSPI_WLEN_MAX_BITS);
+                               xfer_len = QSPI_WLEN_MAX_BYTES;
+                       } else {
+                               writeb(*txp, &priv->base->data);
+                               xfer_len = 1;
+                       }
+                       debug("tx cmd %08x dc %08x\n",
+                             cmd | QSPI_WR_SNGL, priv->dc);
+                       writel(cmd | QSPI_WR_SNGL, &priv->base->cmd);
                        status = readl(&priv->base->status);
                        timeout = QSPI_TIMEOUT;
                        while ((status & QSPI_WC_BUSY) != QSPI_XFER_DONE) {
@@ -246,6 +268,7 @@ static int __ti_qspi_xfer(struct ti_qspi_priv *priv, 
unsigned int bitlen,
                                status = readl(&priv->base->status);
+                       txp += xfer_len;
                        debug("tx done, status %08x\n", status);
                if (rxp) {
@@ -262,9 +285,11 @@ static int __ti_qspi_xfer(struct ti_qspi_priv *priv, 
unsigned int bitlen,
                                status = readl(&priv->base->status);
                        *rxp++ = readl(&priv->base->data);
+                       xfer_len = 1;
                        debug("rx done, status %08x, read %02x\n",
                              status, *(rxp-1));
+               words -= xfer_len;
        /* Terminate frame */

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