>>>>> "Stephen" == Stephen Warren <swar...@wwwdotorg.org> writes:

Stephen> On 08/22/2016 06:00 PM, Peter Chubb wrote:
>> The Linux-for-Tegra kernel uses a very long command line.

Stephen> There should be a From: line here indicating that Bryan is
Stephen> the author; did you actually "git cherry-pick" this, or apply
Stephen> it in some other manner? Perhaps you're notusing "git
Stephen> send-email" to send the message?  That might explain the
Stephen> unexpected extra blank line right at the top of the message.

I can't use git send-mail, because our corporate emailer refuses to
send with a From line that isn't me.  So I did git format-patch and
imported it into my email client.

Stephen> Aside from those issues, this looks fine.

So can I add an acked-by line from you, and resubmit (with, if I can
work out how to do it, the original From line?)

Dr Peter Chubb         Tel: +61 2 9490 5852      http://www.data61.csiro.au
http://ts.data61.csiro.au      Software Systems Research Group/NICTA/Data61
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