Hi Gregory,

On 3 August 2016 at 21:21, Gregory Ray <gregory....@eyeio.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> Is SecureBoot from the manufacturers u-boot distribution operational? When I
> try to sign the loader using the SBC it complains "Sign loader failed!"
> I did a standard make:
> CROSS_COMPILE=/Developer/arm-eabi-4.8/bin/arm-eabi- make O=firefly
> firefly-rk3288_defconfig all
> Then generated the loader binary for SecureBootConsole by trying these
> combinations, all failed with same error:
> ./firefly/tools/mkimage -n rk3288 -T rkimage -d \
>       ./firefly/spl/u-boot-spl-nodtb.bin out && \
>  cat out | openssl rc4 -K 7c4e0304550509072d2c7b38170d1711 > sbc_in.bin
>  ./firefly/tools/mkimage -n rk3288 -T rkspi -d \
>       ./firefly/spl/u-boot-spl-nodtb.bin out && \
>  cat out | openssl rc4 -K 7c4e0304550509072d2c7b38170d1711 > sbc_in.bin
> I also tried using the boot_merger tool from the manufacturer distribution
> using the RK3288.ini with PATH=./firefly/spl/u-boot-spl-nodtb.bin. This
> still failed with same error.
> If this feature is not yet functional, is it on the roadmap?

Which feature are you referring to here? What is the 'manufacturers
u-boot distribution'? If it is not mainline, then I suspect only the
Rockchip people know about it.

> Thanks,
> Gregory Ray

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