>> It seems we've regressed with the Orange Pi PC for 2016.07 but I'm
>> wondering with the PCSI bits whether the process has changed and I've
>> missed the details of what's needed to flash u-boot.
> I just tried on my own Orange Pi PC with current master (which will
> become the final 2016.07 real soon now) and everything works fine.
> wrt the flash process, nothing has changed simply dd
> u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin to an offset of 8192 bytes on the sdcard.
>> With rc3 I see the follwing:
>> U-Boot SPL 2016.07-rc3 (Jul 07 2016 - 10:36:40)
>> DRAM: u MiB
>> Could not determine boot source
> Sometimes this happens if writing to the sdcard went wrong somehow,
> sometimes the data can be unreadable or worse not readable reliably
> for the board even though the PC reports everything as ok
> (often when this happens the write takes longer then usual, indicating
>  the PC has to retry it under the hood).
> Often just repeating the dd fixes this (sad but true), I'm not aware
> of any bug in rc3 wich would trigger this, and looking at the
> commits in master since rc3 nothing stands out.
> To double check I've just taken u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin for the
> opi pc from:
> http://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=778437
> And then did:
> sudo dd if=u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin of=/dev/sdb bs=1024 seek=8
> And after that tested it, and it works fine for me, so it seems
> that you indeed got unlucky by hitting a bad / weak flash sector
> on the sdcard.

That's what I used and I used the same card for both 2016.07rc3 and
2016.05 with the later working, I tried the 07.rc3 a couple of times
with the same errors, I'll dig out another card and give it a go.


>> resetting ...
>> But with 2016.05 GA I get:
>> U-Boot SPL 2016.05 (May 30 2016 - 20:15:17)
>> DRAM: 1024 MiB
>> Trying to boot from MMC1
>> U-Boot 2016.05 (May 30 2016 - 20:15:17 +0000) Allwinner Technology
>> CPU:   Allwinner H3 (SUN8I 1680)
>> Model: Xunlong Orange Pi PC
>> I2C:   ready
>> DRAM:  1 GiB
>> *** Warning - bad CRC, using default environment
>> In:    serial
>> Out:   serial
>> Err:   serial
>> Net:   No ethernet found.
>> starting USB...
>> USB0:   USB EHCI 1.00
>> USB1:   USB OHCI 1.0
>> USB2:   USB EHCI 1.00
>> USB3:   USB OHCI 1.0
>> USB4:   USB EHCI 1.00
>> USB5:   USB OHCI 1.0
>> scanning bus 0 for devices... 1 USB Device(s) found
>> scanning bus 2 for devices... 1 USB Device(s) found
>> scanning bus 4 for devices... 1 USB Device(s) found
>> Hit any key to stop autoboot:  0
>> =>
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