
On 24 June 2016 at 06:12, vinoth eswaran <evinoth1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have gone through the document in U-boot Readme.falcon in which it
> explains we can skip loading the u-boot and load the Linux kernel directly.
> This will save time for systems that looks to optimize the start up time.
> In the document its mentioned that the "spl_start_uboot()" - as the required
> function to be implemented as board specific to support this functionality.
> I have checked the code and found no such function is defined for x86. Does
> that mean that Falcon mode is not supported in x86 arhitectures??

It is not supported. On the other hand, x86 does not use SPL. So you
won't actually save any time anyway...

> Mit Freundlichen Grüßen
> VinothKumar
> +49 1798909072

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