Hello Siarhei!

Am 06.06.2016 um 11:20 schrieb Siarhei Siamashka:
On Sun, 5 Jun 2016 15:01:30 +0200
Bernhard Nortmann <bernhard.nortm...@web.de> wrote:

Hi Siarhei!


No, you're right and not missing anything. Setting ${filesize} alone
doesn't achieve much, and would require further customization to do the
actual import. Since this whole idea of having the script length didn't
go down too well when I initially proposed it (back in September 2015),
I stayed away from adding additional U-Boot modifications this time.
Maybe you can add the necessary changes to the U-Boot default
environment in the v2 patch? Either way, we are not going to
make any progress until it is feature complete and usable.

Back in 2015 Hans expressed concerns about overcomplicating what is already
an exotic use-case. That is why I wanted to keep v1 as simple and 'generic'
as possible - working from the assumption that if a user is sufficiently
advanced to get fel_script_length set, (s)he'd also be proficient enough to
tailor U-Boot to make actual use of ${filesize} according to his/her needs.

Changing the default environment to use the existing "import -t" command
was just one example of what might be done - maybe there could be other
future uses, which I currently haven't thought of. My basic goal was and is
a way to pass a payload from sunxi-fel to U-Boot in a format-agnostic way.
This requires a "length" / file size in addition to the memory address.

The discussion here seems to narrow down on "uEnv.txt style" usage now.
That's okay for me - I can create a v2 which focuses on that, and fleshes
out the needed details.

One approach would be to have a modified "bootcmd_fel" that either tests
for a non-empty ${filesize}, or tries to import the script data as a
fallback ("source ${fel_scriptaddr} || import -t <...>;"). Another way is
to always assume "uEnv.txt style" whenever fel_script_length is set, and
do a himport_r() of the script data right away (the programmatic equivalent
of "import -t"). I'm doing this in an experimental branch of mine, as it
allows overriding everything from the default environment - including the
"bootcmd" itself.

Of course, all of this also requires support from the sunxi-fel side
of things (i.e. fel_script_length getting set in the first place). A
quick-and-dirty solution I'm currently using is to assume a uEnv.txt
script (and set fel_script_length) whenever sunxi-fel detects uploads of
pure ASCII data.
The boot.scr file is nice because it has its own format and a magic
signature. The uEnv.txt is difficult to recognize automatically, but
maybe we can borrow the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shebang_%28Unix%29
approach used by scripting languages?

I mean, we can require that the first line of uEnv.txt is a comment in a
special format. This can be described in the sunxi-tools documentation.
And also the sunxi-fel tool could print a warning if it detects upload
of pure ASCII data from a file with "uEnv" part in the name and ".txt"
as the extension.

I dislike involving filename conventions here, and I'd also prefer not
having to "tag" the uEnv-style files (which are basically <key>=<value>
pairs) with a special marker. If sunxi-fel requires 'extra work' to
recognise these files, we might just as well use a dedicated command
for uploading them - e.g. "env" instead of "write". This command could
also do sanity checks, like issue a warning if the file contains non-ASCII
data or fails to meet the expected syntax.

This could also be done easily with a dedicated command,
and I can even image sunxi-fel building the uEnv.txt string itself from
given ("env") key/value pairs.

I have no real opinion about this, but "filesize" looks like a
rather generic name for this environment variable. Are there some
advantages/disadvantages picking this particular name instead
of something like "fel_scriptsize"?
Well... this _is_ the generic name that U-Boot itself tends to use for
data transfers. E.g. "load" or "tftp" commands set the ${filesize} too.
So you are suggesting to pretend that there was a "load" command
executed for "uEnv.txt" right before running the code from the default
environment? This seems to be rather fragile and does not look like
it offers any real advantages over "fel_scriptsize".

It's based on the paradigm that any kind of data transfer (might) provide
exactly this kind of information in ${filesize}. U-Boot users know this
from a variety of "load" commands (Ymodem anyone?) - so if you like: yes,
I'm pretending that something similar happened. Of course I can rename it
to anything that you prefer. But if we're taking the uEnv route, we might
easily do away with setting any dedicated environment variable at all
(see below).

That said, I have no objections to supporting "uEnv.txt" for FEL boot,
as long as it works correctly and does not regress the existing
"boot.scr" support.
Our sunxi-fel utility is already testing for the script.bin format
and can preserve the existing functionality by simply forcing
fel_script_length to 0 in that case. And additional safeguards might
be placed before "actively" setting that value to anything non-zero.
So it would serve both as the uEnv.txt length and also as the format
type indicator (boot.scr or uEnv.txt)? This is probably okay if it is
documented properly.

It would be trival for sunxi-fel to pass the size of .scr files, too -
there's just no point in doing so, since this information is already
redundant (available from the header anyway). Setting the field to 0 seemed
natural to me, and it also reflects what existing versions of the sunxi-fel
utility would use (as they only know about setting fel_script_addr).

Actually that might be the right idea to take the whole thing forward, if
I modify some of my working assumptions accordingly:

* Redefine "fel_script_length" as "fel_env_size", and associate a 'format
  type indicator' meaning with it. Any non-zero value will also require the
  fel_script_addr to be specified, and signals uEnv-style data suitable for
  "import -t" (i.e. ASCII text with <key>=<value> lines).

* (fel_env_size == 0 && fel_script_addr != 0) means that U-Boot is safe to
  assume a .scr format was passed. This reflects and preserves the previous
  use case and existing sunxi-fel implementations. New sunxi-fel versions
  will make sure to pass (fel_env_size == 0) whenever they detect the
  transfers of a mkimage-type script.

* sunxi-fel will pass a non-zero fel_env_size if (and only if) requirements
  and/or safety checks are met, in a way that makes it safe for U-Boot to
  rely on the assumption of uEnv-style format. This may range from simple
  user request ("env" command) to actual syntax validation.

* If both fel_script_addr and fel_env_size are non-zero, U-Boot will
  auto-import the data right away upon start, and afterwards present a
  modified environment (merge of the default environment with anything the
  'script' sets/overrides). This eliminates the need to further modify
  default env settings (e.g. sneak in "import -t" to some bootcmd) and also
  avoids setting dedicated environment variables just for this purpose.

Regards, B. Nortmann
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