Minkyu Kang wrote:
> Dear, Dirk
> 2009/9/4 Dirk Behme <dirk.be...@googlemail.com>
>> Kyungmin Park wrote:
>>> On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 7:45 PM, Dirk Behme<dirk.be...@googlemail.com>
>> wrote:
>>>> Kyungmin Park wrote:
>> ...
>>>>>>> +     if (get_device_type() != 0xC100) {
>>>>>> Hmm, what is this "0xC100" ?
>>>>> Now we got two cpu, s5pc100 and s5pc110. In case of s5pc100 we don't
>>>>> need to turn off l2 cache. but s5pc110 needs it.
>>>>> So first check the device type, actually cpu type. then determine turn
>>>>> off l2 cache or not.
>>>> "0xC100" is the device type of s5pc100 then? So it should be
>>>> if (get_device_type() != S5PC100_DEVICE)
>>>> ? I hear some people crying "please use macro" ;)
>>>> But I don't like this selection here. When we get additional similar
>> SoCs,
>>>> we will end with something like
>>>> if (get_device_type() != 0xC100) ||
>>>>  (get_device_type() != FOO) ||
>>>>  (get_device_type() != BAR))  ||
>>>>  ... {
>>>> modifying each time cpu/arm_cortexa8/cpu.c.
>>>> I would like more that we are able to compile the functionality based on
>> the
>>>> config file we use for compilation. E.g. provide emtpy
>> l2_cache_disable();
>>>> function for SoCs that don't need it, but have functionality behind it
>> where
>>>> needed.
>>>> With above patch, this would then become something like
>>>> cpu/arm_cortexa8/s5pcxxx/dcache.S
>>>> -> Implements invalidate_dcache() (or implement a Cortex A8 generic one
>> in
>>>> cpu/arm_cortexa8/cache.S)
>>>> cpu/arm_cortexa8/s5pcxxx/cache_110.S
>>>> -> Implements l2_cache_enable()/disable()
>>>> cpu/arm_cortexa8/s5pcxxx/cache_100.S
>>>> -> Implements *empty* l2_cache_enable()/disable()
>>>> In cpu/arm_cortexa8/s5pcxxx/Makefile you then could have
>>>> SOBJS-y += dcache.o
>>>> SOBJS-$(CONFIG_S5PC100) += cache_100.o
>>>> SOBJS-$(CONFIG_S5PC110) += cache_110.o
>>>> What do you think about this?
>>> Basically agreed, of course we can think weak attribute but now we
>>> have to support both cpu simultaneously.
>>> with this reason. we check the device_type at here.
>> What's about having this check in SoC specific code instead of Cortex
>> A8 generic code, then?
>> E.g apply patch
>> http://lists.denx.de/pipermail/u-boot/2009-August/058492.html
>> and then create
>> cpu/arm_cortexa8/s5pcxxx/cache.S
>> with
>> invalidate_dcache() {
>>   if (get_device_type() == S5PC100_DEVICE)
>>         return();
>>  ...
>> l2_cache_enable() {
>>    if (get_device_type() == S5PC100_DEVICE)
>>         return();
>>  ...
>> etc.
>> That is, have the SoC dependent part in SoC specific directory/file.
>> Best regards
>> Dirk
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> I know about the discussion of this issue between you and Jean-Christophe.
> but it is gone without resolving.
> So, I want to make issue again.
> anyway,,
> Actually, we don't need the function of get_device_type()
> I think that function is omap specific function.. isn't it?
> but.. because of current code already use that function, I had to use that
> function
> If you have plan to move the cache routines into SoC,
> I think you can remove the argument for device_type. (check device type in
> omap3's cache routines)
> And I want to remove CONFIG_L2_OFF also.
> We can know this through device type or soc type.
> How about make new function?
> e.g l2_off() or need_cache_flush() etc,
> Please rework for removing dependency of omap3 soc first.

Just to clarify: It's my understanding that this is already done by


Do you agree? That is, when this patch is applied, then Samsung can go 
on. Correct?

If not correct, what is missing in above patch?

Best regards


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