Wolfgang Denk wrote:
> Dear "A. Geisreiter",
> In message <001701ca2d55$f30b6200$d92226...@de> you wrote:
>>> What makes you think that the uncompression code used by bootm would
>>> be any faster than the one used by unzip? It ain't faster, as it is
>>> the very same code actually.
>> If bootm use the same code like the unzip command, then it couldn't be
>> faster.
> Indeed.
>> But I have compressed a nk.bin Windows Image file with GZIP. Then I
>> uncompressed the 10MB File with U-Boot. It takes roughly 1 minute. And this
>> is to much I think. What could I do to reduce the uncompression time? My
>> hardware works with an PXA270 CPU.
> You probably want to enable caches on your system, to get faster
> performance. Jean-Christophe (on Cc:) claimed several times before
> that he was working on such patches. Maybe you ask him when he will
> post this stuff.

Unfortunately, there was no answer to


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