Hi Robert,

On 30 April 2016 at 00:12, Robert P. J. Day <rpj...@crashcourse.ca> wrote:
>   puzzled by this in cmd/fdt.c:
>     /* Temporary #ifdef - some archs don't have fdt_blob yet */
>     #ifdef CONFIG_OF_CONTROL
>                 if (argc && !strcmp(*argv, "-c")) {
>                         control = 1;
>                         argc--;
>                         argv++;
>                 }
>     #endif
> why is that #ifdef described as temporary? first, it seems that all
> arch-specific global_data.h files include <asm-generic/global_data.h>,
> where struct global_data contains an unconditional:
>     const void *fdt_blob;   /* Our device tree, NULL if none */
> so all arches at least have access to that struct member, even if they
> don't currently support OF_CONTROL.
>   more to the point, even if all arches *did* (or do?) support that
> option, would that #ifdef suddenly disappear? isn't CONFIG_OF_CONTROL
> a perfectly reasonable option for a developer to *choose* whether they
> want or not?
>   what's "temporary" about that #ifdef?

>From what I can see in the history, v2013.01 did not include generic
global_data, and the patch was likely to avoid build errors when
submitted. That #ifdef can be removed now.

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