> Am 24.03.2016 um 03:05 schrieb Stephen Warren <swar...@wwwdotorg.org>:
>> On 03/23/2016 06:27 PM, Alexander Graf wrote:
>> The bcm2835 frame buffer is in RAM, so we can easily map it as cached and 
>> gain
>> all the glorious performance boost that brings with it.
> Tested-by: Stephen Warren <swar...@wwwdotorg.org>
>> diff --git a/drivers/video/bcm2835.c b/drivers/video/bcm2835.c
>> @@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ void lcd_ctrl_init(void *lcdbase)
>> +    /* Enable dcache for the frame buffer */
>> +    fb_start = ALIGN(gd->fb_base, 1 << MMU_SECTION_SHIFT);
>> +    fb_end = gd->fb_base + msg_setup->allocate_buffer.body.resp.fb_size;
>> +    fb_end = ALIGN(fb_end, 1 << MMU_SECTION_SHIFT);
>> +    mmu_set_region_dcache_behaviour(fb_start, fb_end - fb_start,
>> +        DCACHE_WRITEBACK);
> Shouldn't the start be rounded down and the end be rounded up to cover the 
> entire FB RAM? Normally it might be problematic to push the boundaries 
> outside the relevant data block since it would affect adjacent memory that 
> might not then be aware of the cache setup. However, since the entire FB is 
> in the VC portion of RAM and U-Boot is touching nothing else there, it should 
> be fine in this case. (And even if it wasn't, the two ALIGNs would still want 
> to move in opposite directions; start up and end down).

Yes, my bad. I'll send another version.

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