Reset any i2c devices that may have been interrupted during a system reset.
Normally this would be accomplished by clocking the line until SCL and SDA
are released and then sending a start condtiion (From an Atmel datasheet).
There is no direct access to the i2c pins so instead create start commands
through the i2c interface.  Send a start command then delay for the SDA Hold
time, repeat this by disabling/enabling the bus a total of 9 times.

Signed-off-by: Eric Millbrandt <>


I was able to implement a i2c reset function with features common to all
mpc5xxx cpu.  Nothing was left from the first implementation, so I am
submitting this as a new patch.


 README                       |    7 ++++++
 cpu/mpc5xxx/i2c.c            |   49 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 include/configs/galaxy5200.h |    1 +
 3 files changed, 57 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/README b/README
index 246ae2b..6ccb2fe 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -1366,6 +1366,13 @@ The following options need to be configured:
                therefore be cleared to 0 (See, eg, MPC823e User's Manual
                p.16-473). So, set CONFIG_SYS_I2C_SLAVE to 0.
+               CONFIG_SYS_I2C_INIT_MPC5XXX
+               When a board is reset during an i2c bus transfer
+               chips might think that the current transfer is still
+               in progress.  Reset the slave devices by sending start
+               commands until the slave device responds.
                That's all that's required for CONFIG_HARD_I2C.
                If you use the software i2c interface (CONFIG_SOFT_I2C)
diff --git a/cpu/mpc5xxx/i2c.c b/cpu/mpc5xxx/i2c.c
index 2341932..70a46be 100644
--- a/cpu/mpc5xxx/i2c.c
+++ b/cpu/mpc5xxx/i2c.c
@@ -207,6 +207,52 @@ static int receive_bytes(uchar chip, char *buf, int len)
        return 0;
+#define FDR510(x) (u8) (((x & 0x20) >> 3) | (x & 0x3))
+#define FDR432(x) (u8) ((x & 0x1C) >> 2)
+ * Reset any i2c devices that may have been interrupted during a system reset.
+ * Normally this would be accomplished by clocking the line until SCL and SDA
+ * are released and then sending a start condtiion (From an Atmel datasheet).
+ * There is no direct access to the i2c pins so instead create start commands
+ * through the i2c interface.  Send a start command then delay for the SDA Hold
+ * time, repeat this by disabling/enabling the bus a total of 9 times.
+ */
+static void send_reset()
+       struct mpc5xxx_i2c *regs = (struct mpc5xxx_i2c *)I2C_BASE;
+       int i;
+       u32 delay;
+       u8 fdr;
+       int SDA_Tap[] = { 3, 3, 4, 4, 1, 1, 2, 2};
+       struct mpc5xxx_i2c_tap scltap[] = {
+               {4, 1},
+               {4, 2},
+               {6, 4},
+               {6, 8},
+               {14, 16},
+               {30, 32},
+               {62, 64},
+               {126, 128}
+       };
+       fdr = (u8)mpc_reg_in(&regs->mfdr);
+       delay = scltap[FDR432(fdr)].scl2tap + ((SDA_Tap[FDR510(fdr)] - 1) * \
+               scltap[FDR432(fdr)].tap2tap) + 3;
+       for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
+               mpc_reg_out(&regs->mcr, I2C_EN|I2C_STA|I2C_TX, I2C_INIT_MASK);
+               udelay(delay);
+               mpc_reg_out(&regs->mcr, 0, I2C_INIT_MASK);
+               udelay(delay);
+       }
+       mpc_reg_out(&regs->mcr, I2C_EN, I2C_INIT_MASK);
+#endif /* CONFIG_SYS_I2c_INIT_MPC5XXX */
 /**************** I2C API ****************/
 void i2c_init(int speed, int saddr)
@@ -225,6 +271,9 @@ void i2c_init(int speed, int saddr)
        mpc_reg_out(&regs->mcr, I2C_EN, I2C_INIT_MASK);
        mpc_reg_out(&regs->msr, 0, I2C_IF);
+       send_reset();
diff --git a/include/configs/galaxy5200.h b/include/configs/galaxy5200.h
index 8d530d8..2ba5f0f 100644
--- a/include/configs/galaxy5200.h
+++ b/include/configs/galaxy5200.h
@@ -110,6 +110,7 @@
 #define CONFIG_SYS_I2C_MODULE 2                /* Select I2C module #1 or #2 */
 #define CONFIG_SYS_I2C_SPEED 100000    /* 100 kHz */
 #define CONFIG_SYS_I2C_SLAVE 0x7F
+#define CONFIG_SYS_I2C_INIT_MPC5XXX    /* Reset devices on i2c bus */
  * EEPROM CAT24WC32 configuration
-- - eem

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