On 02/03/2016 12:16 PM, Robert P. J. Day wrote:
Quoting Tom Rini <tr...@konsulko.com>:
On Mon, Feb 01, 2016 at 05:20:16PM -0500, Robert P. J. Day wrote:
i know u-boot has a "bootvx" command for booting vxworks images,
but from what i read here:
it's only vxworks 7 that supports u-boot as its bootloader. i know
precious little about vxworks, i was just handed a version 5.5.2
image and asked whether it was possible for u-boot to boot it.
do i have any chance whatsoever? any guidance would be useful.
Well, I think there's two parts to this answer. The first is that (on
PowerPC), VxWorks has been supported for practically forever. The
second is that as the answers there say, you may have to deal with and
fix some disagreements about what software (U-Boot or VxWorks) did or
did not do what initalization. You may also, frankly, want to start out
with a U-Boot of that vintage, see if that works, and if so (and it'd be
great to see results and patches if needed) if things still work in
mainline today.
i'm certainly willing to put in the time to do this -- i have the
hardware and the appropriate build environment so give me a day or two
to finish something, and i can pretty much concentrate on this and
submit any patches that eventually get this to work.
Hi Robert, Tom,
bootvx also boots some vxWorks 6.9.x in my case.
Before i've used the bootvx command i simply fired the vxworks image
with go <loadaddr>
The kernel-configuration of the vxworks Image has a define called
image to this address and give a go on this address.
your vxWorks kernel should boot.
I've stripped the vxWorks build output with "objcopyarm -O binary
You don't have a bootline initialization at this time.
If you want some initalization of it, the bootvx command is the right way.
Have a look to the B&R kwb board in uboot (kwb.h)
Feel free to ask if something doesn't work.
best regards,
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