We can make use of the device tree to configure pinctrl settings. Add this
support for the driver so we can use it in U-Boot proper.

Signed-off-by: Simon Glass <s...@chromium.org>

Changes in v9: None
Changes in v2: None

 drivers/pinctrl/rockchip/pinctrl_rk3288.c | 230 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 229 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/drivers/pinctrl/rockchip/pinctrl_rk3288.c 
index ec3c4fe..0e7721e 100644
--- a/drivers/pinctrl/rockchip/pinctrl_rk3288.c
+++ b/drivers/pinctrl/rockchip/pinctrl_rk3288.c
@@ -24,8 +24,103 @@ DECLARE_GLOBAL_DATA_PTR;
 struct rk3288_pinctrl_priv {
        struct rk3288_grf *grf;
        struct rk3288_pmu *pmu;
+       int num_banks;
+ * Encode variants of iomux registers into a type variable
+ */
+#define IOMUX_GPIO_ONLY                BIT(0)
+#define IOMUX_WIDTH_4BIT       BIT(1)
+#define IOMUX_SOURCE_PMU       BIT(2)
+#define IOMUX_UNROUTED         BIT(3)
+ * @type: iomux variant using IOMUX_* constants
+ * @offset: if initialized to -1 it will be autocalculated, by specifying
+ *         an initial offset value the relevant source offset can be reset
+ *         to a new value for autocalculating the following iomux registers.
+ */
+struct rockchip_iomux {
+       u8 type;
+       s16 offset;
+ * @reg: register offset of the gpio bank
+ * @nr_pins: number of pins in this bank
+ * @bank_num: number of the bank, to account for holes
+ * @name: name of the bank
+ * @iomux: array describing the 4 iomux sources of the bank
+ */
+struct rockchip_pin_bank {
+       u16 reg;
+       u8 nr_pins;
+       u8 bank_num;
+       char *name;
+       struct rockchip_iomux iomux[4];
+#define PIN_BANK(id, pins, label)                      \
+       {                                               \
+               .bank_num       = id,                   \
+               .nr_pins        = pins,                 \
+               .name           = label,                \
+               .iomux          = {                     \
+                       { .offset = -1 },               \
+                       { .offset = -1 },               \
+                       { .offset = -1 },               \
+                       { .offset = -1 },               \
+               },                                      \
+       }
+#define PIN_BANK_IOMUX_FLAGS(id, pins, label, iom0, iom1, iom2, iom3)  \
+       {                                                               \
+               .bank_num       = id,                                   \
+               .nr_pins        = pins,                                 \
+               .name           = label,                                \
+               .iomux          = {                                     \
+                       { .type = iom0, .offset = -1 },                 \
+                       { .type = iom1, .offset = -1 },                 \
+                       { .type = iom2, .offset = -1 },                 \
+                       { .type = iom3, .offset = -1 },                 \
+               },                                                      \
+       }
+static struct rockchip_pin_bank rk3288_pin_banks[] = {
+       PIN_BANK_IOMUX_FLAGS(0, 24, "gpio0", IOMUX_SOURCE_PMU,
+                                            IOMUX_SOURCE_PMU,
+                                            IOMUX_SOURCE_PMU,
+                                            IOMUX_UNROUTED
+                           ),
+       PIN_BANK_IOMUX_FLAGS(1, 32, "gpio1", IOMUX_UNROUTED,
+                                            IOMUX_UNROUTED,
+                                            IOMUX_UNROUTED,
+                                            0
+                           ),
+       PIN_BANK_IOMUX_FLAGS(2, 32, "gpio2", 0, 0, 0, IOMUX_UNROUTED),
+       PIN_BANK_IOMUX_FLAGS(3, 32, "gpio3", 0, 0, 0, IOMUX_WIDTH_4BIT),
+       PIN_BANK_IOMUX_FLAGS(4, 32, "gpio4", IOMUX_WIDTH_4BIT,
+                                            IOMUX_WIDTH_4BIT,
+                                            0,
+                                            0
+                           ),
+       PIN_BANK_IOMUX_FLAGS(5, 32, "gpio5", IOMUX_UNROUTED,
+                                            0,
+                                            0,
+                                            IOMUX_UNROUTED
+                           ),
+       PIN_BANK_IOMUX_FLAGS(6, 32, "gpio6", 0, 0, 0, IOMUX_UNROUTED),
+       PIN_BANK_IOMUX_FLAGS(7, 32, "gpio7", 0,
+                                            0,
+                                            IOMUX_WIDTH_4BIT,
+                                            IOMUX_UNROUTED
+                           ),
+       PIN_BANK(8, 16, "gpio8"),
 static void pinctrl_rk3288_pwm_config(struct rk3288_grf *grf, int pwm_id)
        switch (pwm_id) {
@@ -410,7 +505,106 @@ static int rk3288_pinctrl_set_state_simple(struct udevice 
        return rk3288_pinctrl_request(dev, func, 0);
+static int rk3288_pinctrl_set_pins(struct udevice *dev, int banknum, int index,
+                                  int muxval, int flags)
+       struct rk3288_pinctrl_priv *priv = dev_get_priv(dev);
+       struct rockchip_pin_bank *bank = &rk3288_pin_banks[banknum];
+       uint shift, muxnum, ind = index;
+       u32 *addr;
+       debug("%s: %x %x %x %x\n", __func__, banknum, index, muxval, flags);
+       for (muxnum = 0; muxnum < 4; muxnum++) {
+               struct rockchip_iomux *mux = &bank->iomux[muxnum];
+               uint mask;
+               if (ind >= 8) {
+                       ind -= 8;
+                       continue;
+               }
+               if (mux->type & IOMUX_SOURCE_PMU)
+                       addr = priv->pmu->gpio0_iomux;
+               else
+                       addr = (u32 *)priv->grf - 4;
+               addr += mux->offset;
+               shift = ind & 7;
+               if (mux->type & IOMUX_WIDTH_4BIT) {
+                       mask = 0xf;
+                       shift *= 4;
+                       if (shift >= 16) {
+                               shift -= 16;
+                               addr++;
+                       }
+               } else {
+                       mask = 3;
+                       shift *= 2;
+               }
+               debug("%s: addr=%p, mask=%x, shift=%x\n", __func__, addr,
+                     mask, shift);
+               rk_clrsetreg(addr, mask << shift, muxval << shift);
+               break;
+       }
+       if (flags) {
+               uint val = 0;
+               if (flags & (1 << PIN_CONFIG_BIAS_PULL_UP))
+                       val = 1;
+               else if (flags & (1 << PIN_CONFIG_BIAS_PULL_DOWN))
+                       val = 2;
+               shift = (index & 7) * 2;
+               ind = index >> 3;
+               if (banknum == 0)
+                       addr = &priv->pmu->gpio0pull[ind];
+               else
+                       addr = &priv->grf->gpio1_p[banknum - 1][ind];
+               debug("%s: addr=%p, val=%x, shift=%x\n", __func__, addr, val,
+                     shift);
+               rk_clrsetreg(addr, 3 << shift, val << shift);
+       }
+       return 0;
+static int rk3288_pinctrl_set_state(struct udevice *dev, struct udevice 
+       const void *blob = gd->fdt_blob;
+       int pcfg_node, ret, flags, count, i;
+       u32 cell[40], *ptr;
+       debug("%s: %s %s\n", __func__, dev->name, config->name);
+       ret = fdtdec_get_int_array_count(blob, config->of_offset,
+                                        "rockchip,pins", cell,
+                                        ARRAY_SIZE(cell));
+       if (ret < 0) {
+               debug("%s: bad array %d\n", __func__, ret);
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       count = ret;
+       for (i = 0, ptr = cell; i < count; i += 4, ptr += 4) {
+               pcfg_node = fdt_node_offset_by_phandle(blob, ptr[3]);
+               if (pcfg_node < 0)
+                       return -EINVAL;
+               flags = pinctrl_decode_pin_config(blob, pcfg_node);
+               if (flags < 0)
+                       return flags;
+               ret = rk3288_pinctrl_set_pins(dev, ptr[0], ptr[1], ptr[2],
+                                             flags);
+               if (ret)
+                       return ret;
+       }
+       return 0;
 static struct pinctrl_ops rk3288_pinctrl_ops = {
+       .set_state      = rk3288_pinctrl_set_state,
        .set_state_simple       = rk3288_pinctrl_set_state_simple,
        .request        = rk3288_pinctrl_request,
        .get_periph_id  = rk3288_pinctrl_get_periph_id,
@@ -422,15 +616,49 @@ static int rk3288_pinctrl_bind(struct udevice *dev)
        return dm_scan_fdt_node(dev, gd->fdt_blob, dev->of_offset, false);
+static int rk3288_pinctrl_parse_tables(struct rk3288_pinctrl_priv *priv,
+                                      struct rockchip_pin_bank *banks,
+                                      int count)
+       struct rockchip_pin_bank *bank;
+       uint reg, muxnum, banknum;
+       reg = 0;
+       for (banknum = 0; banknum < count; banknum++) {
+               bank = &banks[banknum];
+               bank->reg = reg;
+               debug("%s: bank %d, reg %x\n", __func__, banknum, reg * 4);
+               for (muxnum = 0; muxnum < 4; muxnum++) {
+                       struct rockchip_iomux *mux = &bank->iomux[muxnum];
+                       if (!(mux->type & IOMUX_UNROUTED))
+                               mux->offset = reg;
+                       if (mux->type & IOMUX_WIDTH_4BIT)
+                               reg += 2;
+                       else
+                               reg += 1;
+               }
+       }
+       return 0;
 static int rk3288_pinctrl_probe(struct udevice *dev)
        struct rk3288_pinctrl_priv *priv = dev_get_priv(dev);
+       int ret = 0;
        priv->grf = syscon_get_first_range(ROCKCHIP_SYSCON_GRF);
        priv->pmu = syscon_get_first_range(ROCKCHIP_SYSCON_PMU);
        debug("%s: grf=%p, pmu=%p\n", __func__, priv->grf, priv->pmu);
+       ret = rk3288_pinctrl_parse_tables(priv, rk3288_pin_banks,
+                                         ARRAY_SIZE(rk3288_pin_banks));
-       return 0;
+       return ret;
 static const struct udevice_id rk3288_pinctrl_ids[] = {

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