Test patch for compile testing and disassembly analysis of
the updated and new I/O accessors.

Signed-off-by: Daniel Schwierzeck <daniel.schwierz...@gmail.com>

Changes in v3:
- rebased to u-boot-mips/next

Changes in v2: None

 arch/mips/lib/io.c | 183 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 183 insertions(+)

diff --git a/arch/mips/lib/io.c b/arch/mips/lib/io.c
index b2d4a09..e80990e 100644
--- a/arch/mips/lib/io.c
+++ b/arch/mips/lib/io.c
@@ -5,8 +5,191 @@
  * SPDX-License-Identifier:    GPL-2.0+
+#include <common.h>
+#include <asm/io.h>
  * mips_io_port_base is the begin of the address space to which x86 style
  * I/O ports are mapped.
 const unsigned long mips_io_port_base = -1;
+static const void __iomem *addr1 = (const void __iomem 
+static void __iomem *addr2 = (void __iomem *)CKSEG1ADDR(0x80001000);
+void test_readb(void)
+       u8 val = readb(addr1);
+       writeb(val, addr2);
+void test_readw(void)
+       u16 val = readw(addr1);
+       writew(val, addr2);
+void test_readl(void)
+       u32 val = readl(addr1);
+       writel(val, addr2);
+void test_readq(void)
+       u32 val = readq(addr1);
+       writeq(val, addr2);
+void test_readb_be(void)
+       u8 val = readb_be(addr1);
+       writeb_be(val, addr2);
+void test_readw_be(void)
+       u16 val = readw_be(addr1);
+       writew_be(val, addr2);
+void test_readl_be(void)
+       u32 val = readl_be(addr1);
+       writel_be(val, addr2);
+void test_readq_be(void)
+       u32 val = readq_be(addr1);
+       writeq_be(val, addr2);
+void test_raw_readb(void)
+       u8 val = __raw_readb(addr1);
+       __raw_writeb(val, addr2);
+void test_raw_readw(void)
+       u16 val = __raw_readw(addr1);
+       __raw_writew(val, addr2);
+void test_raw_readl(void)
+       u32 val = __raw_readl(addr1);
+       __raw_writel(val, addr2);
+void test_raw_readq(void)
+       u32 val = __raw_readq(addr1);
+       __raw_writeq(val, addr2);
+void test_clrbits_8(void)
+       clrbits_8(addr2, BIT(2));
+void test_setbits_8(void)
+       setbits_8(addr2, BIT(3));
+void test_clrsetbits_8(void)
+       clrsetbits_8(addr2, BIT(2), BIT(3));
+void test_clrbits_le16(void)
+       clrbits_le16(addr2, BIT(9));
+void test_setbits_le16(void)
+       setbits_le16(addr2, BIT(10));
+void test_clrsetbits_le16(void)
+       clrsetbits_le16(addr2, BIT(9), BIT(10));
+void test_clrbits_be16(void)
+       clrbits_be16(addr2, BIT(9));
+void test_setbits_be16(void)
+       setbits_be16(addr2, BIT(10));
+void test_clrsetbits_be16(void)
+       clrsetbits_be16(addr2, BIT(9), BIT(10));
+void test_clrbits_le32(void)
+       clrbits_le32(addr2, BIT(9));
+void test_setbits_le32(void)
+       setbits_le32(addr2, BIT(10));
+void test_clrsetbits_le32(void)
+       clrsetbits_le32(addr2, BIT(9), BIT(10));
+void test_clrbits_be32(void)
+       clrbits_be32(addr2, BIT(9));
+void test_setbits_be32(void)
+       setbits_be32(addr2, BIT(10));
+void test_clrsetbits_be32(void)
+       clrsetbits_be32(addr2, BIT(9), BIT(10));
+void test_clrbits_le64(void)
+       clrbits_le64(addr2, BIT(9));
+void test_setbits_le64(void)
+       setbits_le64(addr2, BIT(10));
+void test_clrsetbits_le64(void)
+       clrsetbits_le64(addr2, BIT(9), BIT(10));
+void test_clrbits_be64(void)
+       clrbits_be64(addr2, BIT(9));
+void test_setbits_be64(void)
+       setbits_be64(addr2, BIT(10));
+void test_clrsetbits_be64(void)
+       clrsetbits_be64(addr2, BIT(9), BIT(10));

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