> > > Pristine u-boot 2016.01-rc4 compiles fine for CV SoCDK. Can you please
> > > test mainline _before_ reporting issues ?
> > 
> > Can you please test mainline before complaining?
> Yes I _did_ test mainline AND booted it on the actual board. The USB does work
> (if you disable dcache, which is unrelated bug). It would be very nice if you
> did the same thing before you start yelling on the list that there is a bug.
> The config you use and the one produced by make socfpga_cyclone5_defconfig 
> differ. Use the mainline one, otherwise you will observe possible
> problems.

Of course they differ. That's why they are called configuration _options_.

> > With d77a092dd3619ca747fb8290ae8f255e9799aaa6 and attached .config, I
> > get the failure. No, CONFIG_DM_USB is not set in the config, which is
> > probably the problem.
> Again, the problem does not happen if you use mainline config. If you enable
> random options, you might run into random problems.
> > Maybe socfpga should select DM_USB or depend on it?
> u-boot$ git grep DM_USB configs/socfpga_*
> configs/socfpga_arria5_defconfig:CONFIG_DM_USB=y
> configs/socfpga_cyclone5_defconfig:CONFIG_DM_USB=y
> configs/socfpga_de0_nano_soc_defconfig:CONFIG_DM_USB=y
> configs/socfpga_mcvevk_defconfig:CONFIG_DM_USB=y
> configs/socfpga_sockit_defconfig:CONFIG_DM_USB=y
> configs/socfpga_socrates_defconfig:CONFIG_DM_USB=y
> So your config is broken or outdated, please update your config.

No. Mainline is broken. Yes, it happens to work with defconfig. But it
should work with any configuration user can select.

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