On 26.12.15 19:55, Leif Lindholm wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 25, 2015 at 10:25:22AM +0100, Andreas Färber wrote:
>> Am 25.12.2015 um 10:02 schrieb Alexander Graf:
>> [snip]
>>> The reason I implemented "bootefi" was really because it's the natural
>>> fit into how U-Boot handles all other formats today. I don't think this
>>> is going to be the last patch set around EFI support.
>> I think what Matwey was suggesting is integrating your "bootefi" into
>> the standard "distro" boot sequence environment, so that it probes each
>> device for an EFI binary and if it finds one runs load and bootefi,
>> without the need for any boot.scr.
>> That would be a follow-up patch.
>> It however conflicts with your idea of having some potentially
>> board-specific code mess with "fdt addr" command before running "bootefi".
> This could however be resolved by moving to a model where the
> device-tree was considered a component of the firmware (which is how
> we treat it in UEFI). If U-Boot had an awareness (if it does not
> already) of an FDT being something it should have and know about, then
> this could trivially be passed onto bootefi.
> This could means a "default_fdt" environment variable which is loaded
> automatically before bootcmd is executed.

That part is already the case in my patches :).

The difficult bit is what to do when it doesn't work, because the kernel
guys consider a dtb to be a "Linux configuration" framework rather than
the "hardware description" framework it's supposed to be.

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