On 12/18/2015 06:51 AM, Michal Simek wrote:
On 2.12.2015 23:18, Stephen Warren wrote:
This tests whether md/mw work, and affect each-other.
Command repeat is also tested.
test/cmd_repeat.sh is removed, since the new Python-based test does
diff --git a/test/py/test_md.py b/test/py/test_md.py
+def test_md(uboot_console):
+ ram_base = uboot_console.find_ram_base()
+ addr = "%08x" % ram_base
+ val = "a5f09876"
+ expected_response = addr + ": " + val
I would add this here.
uboot_console.run_command("mw " + addr + " 0 10")
The reason is that with jtag I don't need to do board reset and DDR is
in the same state. Also I expect some board can have just cpu reset pin
and origin values can stay in memory. That's why clearing before test
will be good.
Yes, that makes sense. Another alternative might be to read the current
value, modify it e.g. invert it, and write it back. Still, your proposal
is better since it'll yield the same command and result pattern each
time, so I'll take that.
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