On 17.12.2015 19:07, Sinan Akman wrote:

   Hi Robert

On 17/12/15 03:21 AM, Robert P. J. Day wrote:

   i CCed alleged MPC83xx maintainer kim.phill...@freescale.com
yesterday on my patch, but that CC bounced with "unknown user" error,
is there a newer maintainer for that platform?

   There is no maintainer for MPC83xx AFAIK at this time (Kim is no
longer with FSL). I have a set of mpc83xx boards that I could test
out new patches for. I am cc'ing to Stefan as we discussed something
similar briefly sometimes ago.

Yes. And I think we can now safely assume, that Kim will not
continue to maintain the MPC83xx boards. As we've not heard
from him for quite a while and he's not working for FSL
any more.

IIRC, then you Sinan volunteered to take over this custodianship?
Is this still the case? I'm adding Tom to Cc, so that we can
discuss and perhaps decide this custodianship takeover on the


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