Hi Simon.

Thank you for updating this series patch, i have verified it in evb-rk3036 board,
it worked.

On 14/12/15 12:36, Simon Glass wrote:
The RK3036 has only 8KB of RAM available for SPL. At present it uses its own
debug UART code.

By allowing the ns16550 driver to provide a debug UART without providing a
full serial driver, we can enable a UART with a very small overhead. This
requires addition Kconfig options. The debug UART supports printhex8(),
printascii() and a few other functions.

The root driver and uclass are pulled in by this series, but their size is
very small. It would possible to drop these by disabling CONFIG_DM_SERIAL.
However the ns16550 driver makes this hard, due to it supporting operation
without driver model, and operating differently in this case.

Simon Glass (3):
   dm: serial: Allow the UART driver to be dropped from the image
   dm: ns16550: Allow the driver to be omitted if requested
   rockchip: Use the debug UART on rk3036

  arch/arm/mach-rockchip/Makefile           |  1 -
  arch/arm/mach-rockchip/rk3036-board-spl.c |  9 ++++-
  arch/arm/mach-rockchip/rk_early_print.c   | 63 -------------------------------
  configs/evb-rk3036_defconfig              |  6 +++
  drivers/serial/Kconfig                    | 20 ++++++++++
  drivers/serial/ns16550.c                  |  2 +
  drivers/serial/serial-uclass.c            |  2 +
  include/configs/rk3036_common.h           |  2 +
  8 files changed, 40 insertions(+), 65 deletions(-)
  delete mode 100644 arch/arm/mach-rockchip/rk_early_print.c

Lin Huang

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