Hi Simon,

On 11 December 2015 at 07:35, Simon Glass <s...@chromium.org> wrote:
> Hi Jagan,
> On 8 December 2015 at 08:36, Jagan Teki <jt...@openedev.com> wrote:
>> Hi Simon,
>> On 8 December 2015 at 08:22, Simon Glass <s...@chromium.org> wrote:
>>> Hi Jagan,
>>> On 3 December 2015 at 03:10, Jagan Teki <jt...@openedev.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi Simon,
>>>> I re-phrase all the question from previous thread and continue in this for
>>>> more discussion on spi-nor development.
>>>>> Is it intended that SPI flash should be a driver for the MTD uclass?
>>>>> Others would be NAND and CFI. From what I can tell MTD has the same
>>>>> operations as SPI flash (erase, read, write) and adds a lot more.
>>>>> Or is SPI flash really a separate uclass from MTD, with SPI flash
>>>>> being at a higher level?
>>>> Based on my "sf: MTD support" series SPI flash is a separate uclass from 
>>>> MTD
>>>> and it uses mtd_info operations.
>>>>>> cmd_sf
>>>>>> =======
>>>>>> MTD
>>>>>> =======
>>>>>> spi-nor or spi-flash
>>>>>> ===============
>>>>>> "spi-nor to spi drivers" and spi-nor controller driver
>>>>>> =======================================
>>>>> Your diagram above suggests that MTD calls into SPI NOR or SPI flash,
>>>>> but when I look at (for exampe) spi_flash_erase(), it is calling
>>>>> mtd_erase(), suggesting that it is above MTD in the software stack,
>>>>> the opposite of your diagram above.
>>>> Will explain this clearly in below description.
>>>>> Conceptually this seems problematic.
>>>>> SPI flash is a uclass and supports driver model. It has operations,
>>>>> etc. Your patches remove the operations in favour of calling MTD. But
>>>>> MTD does not support driver model. This is getting really messy.
>>>> Will explain this clearly in below description.
>>>> Introducing SPI-NOR:
>>>> ********************
>>>> Some of the spi drivers or spi controllers at drivers/spi/*
>>>> not a real spi controllers, unlike normal spi controllers
>>>> those operates varienty of spi devices among spi-nor flash is
>>>> one of them but instead these were specially designed for
>>>> to operate spi-nor flash devices - these are spi-nor controllers.
>>>> example: drivers/spi/fsl_qspi.c
>>>> The problem with these were sitting at drivers/spi is entire
>>>> spi layer becomes spi-nor flash oriented which is absolutely
>>>> wrong indication where spi layer gets effected more with
>>>> flash operations - So this SPI-NOR will resolve this issue
>>>> by separating all spi-nor flash operations from spi layer
>>>> and by creating a generic layer called SPI-NOR core where it
>>>> deals with all SPI-NOR flash activities. The basic idea is
>>>> taken from Linux spi-nor framework.
>>>> SPI-NOR Block diagram:
>>>> *********************
>>>> =========
>>>> cmd_sf.c
>>>> ===========
>>>> spi_flash.h
>>>> ===========
>>>> mtdcore.c
>>>> ===========
>>>> spi-nor.c
>>>> ========================
>>>> m25p80.c     fsl_qspi.c
>>>> ==========   ===========
>>>> spi-uclass   spi-nor hw
>>>> ==========   ===========
>>>> spi_drivers
>>>> ===========
>>>> spi-bus hw
>>>> ==========
>>>> Note:
>>>> - spi-nor.c is a common core for m25p80.c which is a spi-nor to spi driver
>>>> interface layer and for fsl_qspi.c which is a typical spi-nor
>>>> controller driver.
>>>> - Challenging task is about probe.
>>>> SPI-NOR Development plan:
>>>> *************************
>>>> a) Adding MTD core support:
>>>>    From command point of view the spi-flash is like a mtd device having
>>>> erase/write/read ops with offset, addr and size, but from lower layers the
>>>> spi-flash becomes either spi-nor or spi-nand so they have their own 
>>>> specific
>>>> features like struct spi_nor {}.
>>>>    This is the reason for calling MTD from command layer and the lower 
>>>> layer
>>>> as SPI_NOR uclass.
>>>> b) Drop spi_flash uclass:
>>>>    Since spi_flash is a generic term for serial flash devices among
>>>>    these spi-nor and spi-nand are the real device categories so add
>>>>    driver model to these categories.
>>>> I sent the series [1] for above a) and b)
>>> It doesn't look like that series drops the SPI flash uclass.
>> Yes, I have not dropped SPI flash uclass fully on the series only ops.
>>>> c) Add spi-nor support (mean Adding SPI-NOR dm drivers) the next step.
>>> I think this is what I am missing. If you are moving to SPI NOR, what
>>> is the API? Is it the roughly the same as the current SPI flash API?
>>> (read, write, erase)
>> For now SPI NOR api's are same as SPI flash in terms of structure
>> members but spi-nor hooks, definition and the calling context are
>> different. Usually SPI flash ops are getting called from cmd_sf ==>
>> spi_flash.h  ==> sf-uclass.c and then finally goes into sf_ops.c for
>> actual function definitions, but in case of SPI NOR spi-nor ops
>> (defined in spi-nor controller drivers - sf_probe.c, fsl_qspi.c) are
>> getting called from mtd_info ops definitions which are defined at
>> spi-nor core (which is sf_ops.c as of now), and from cmd_sf =>
>> spi_flash.h => mtdcore.c and the finally goes into spi-nor for actual
>> mtd ops definitions.
>> Unlike SPI flash, SPI nor framework will separate the flow from
>> generic spi controller which one of the connected slave as spi nor
>> flash (through sf_probe.c) vs spi-nor controller drivers like
>> fsl_qspi.c
>>>> Detailed SPI-NOR with examples:
>>>> ******************************
>>>> include/spi_flash.h
>>>> -------------------
>>>> struct spi_flash {
>>>>    struct spi_nor  *nor;
>>>> };
>>>> include/linux/mtd/spi-nor.h
>>>> ---------------------------
>>>> struct spi_nor {
>>>>    struct udevice   *dev;
>>>>    struct mtd_info  *info;
>>>>    // spi-nor hooks
>>>>    int (*read_reg)(struct udevice *dev, u8 cmd, u8 *val, int len);
>>>>    int (*write_reg)(struct udevice *dev, u8 cmd, u8 *data, int len);
>>>>    int (*read_mmap)(struct udevice *dev, void *data, void *offset,
>>>>                 size_t len);
>>>>    int (*read)(struct udevice *dev, const u8 *opcode, size_t cmd_len,
>>>>                 void *data, size_t data_len);
>>>>    int (*write)(struct udevice *dev, const u8 *cmd, size_t cmd_len,
>>>>                 const void *data, size_t data_len);
>>> But here you show SPI nor with its own operations. So does SPI nor
>>> call into MTD? What is your plan to move MTD to driver model and
>>> create a MTD uclass? Also, does this mean that each SPI nor device
>>> will have an MTD sub-device?
>> Yes, SPI NOR is different from MTD and MTD operations which are
>> defined at spi-nor will call the respective spi-nor controller driver
>> spi-nor operations. which I explained above.
>> I think using MTD uclass is another approach where we can remove the
>> udevice from SPI NOR and making all spi-nor controller driver as
>> MTD_UCLASS - do you prefer this?
> I think so, so far as I understand it. My initial concern with your
> approach was that you had a driver model uclass making calls into an
> API that was not driver-model-compatible. So creating an MTD uclass
> definitely seems cleaner to me. Also I've found that driver model
> conversion is best done starting from the bottom of the stack.

MTD uclass looks ok to me as well and with this I may drop spi_flash
{} and will use mtd_info since from cmd_sf and below is sample code
snippet, just written for understanding things will clear when patches
submitted. Let me know your inputs on this.


spi_flash_t *flash;


typedef struct mtd_info spi_flash_t;

static inline int spi_flash_read(spi_flash_t *flash, u32 offset,
                size_t len, void *buf)
    // mtd_read

static inline int spi_flash_write(spi_flash_t *flash, u32 offset,
                size_t len, const void *buf)
// mtd_write

static inline int spi_flash_erase(spi_flash_t *flash, u32 offset,
                size_t len)
// mtd_erase

static inline int spi_flash_protect(spi_flash_t *flash, u32 ofs, u32 len,
                                        bool prot)
// mtd_lock
// mtd_unlock


struct spi_nor {
   struct mtd_info  *mtd;

   // spi-nor hooks
   int (*read_reg)(struct spi_nor *nor, u8 cmd, u8 *val, int len);
   int (*write_reg)(struct spi_nor *nor, u8 cmd, u8 *data, int len);

   int (*read_mmap)(struct spi_nor *nor, void *data, void *offset,
                size_t len);
   int (*read)(struct spi_nor *nor, const u8 *opcode, size_t cmd_len,
        void *data, size_t data_len);
   int (*write)(struct spi_nor *nor, const u8 *cmd, size_t cmd_len,
                const void *data, size_t data_len);


static int spi_nor_erase(struct mtd_info *mtd, struct erase_info *instr)
    // call to spi-nor erase nor->erase()

static int spi_nor_read(struct mtd_info *mtd, loff_t from, size_t len,
                        size_t *retlen, u_char *buf)
    // call to spi-nor erase nor->read()

static int spi_nor_write(struct mtd_info *mtd, loff_t to, size_t len,
        size_t *retlen, const u_char *buf)
    // call to spi-nor erase nor->erase()

int spi_nor_scan(struct spi_nor *nor)
    struct mtd_info *mtd = nor->mtd;

    // read_jedec

    // assign mtd hooks

    // other spi-nor stuff



struct m25p80 {
        struct spi_nor nor;

static int m25p80_probe(struct udevice *dev)
    struct spi_slave *spi   = dev_get_parentdata(dev);
    struct mtd_info  *mtd   = dev_get_uclass_priv(dev);
    struct m25p80    *flash = dev_get_priv(dev);
    struct spi_nor   *nor;

    nor = &flash->nor;

    nor->mtd = mtd;
    flash->spi = spi;

    // spi-nor hooks
    nor->read =
    nor->write =
    nor->read_reg =
    nor->write_reg =




static const struct udevice_id m25p80_ids[] = {
    { .compatible = "jedec,spi-nor" },
    { }

U_BOOT_DRIVER(m25p80) = {
    .name        = "m25p80",
    .id        = UCLASS_MTD,
    .of_match    = m25p80_ids,
    .probe        = m25p80_probe,
    .priv_auto_alloc_size = sizeof(struct m25p80),


struct fsl_qspi {
        struct spi_nor  nor;

static int fsl_probe(struct udevice *dev)
    struct mtd_info   *mtd = dev_get_uclass_priv(dev);
    struct fsl_qspi   *q  = dev_get_priv(dev);
    struct spi_nor    *nor;

    nor = &q->nor;
    nor->mtd = mtd;

    // spi-nor hooks
    nor->read =
    nor->write =
    nor->read_reg =
    nor->write_reg =




static const struct udevice_id fsl_qspi_ids[] = {
    { .compatible = "fsl,vf610-qspi" },
    { }

U_BOOT_DRIVER(fsl_qspi) = {
    .name        = "fsl_qspi",
    .id        = UCLASS_MTD,
    .of_match    = fsl_qspi_ids,
    .probe        = fsl_qspi_probe,
    .priv_auto_alloc_size = sizeof(struct fsl_qspi),

>>>> };
>>>> drivers/mtd/spi-nor/spi-nor.c
>>>> -----------------------------
>>>> static int spi_nor_erase(struct mtd_info *mtd, struct erase_info *instr)
>>>> {
>>>>         // call to spi-nor erase nor->erase()
>>>> }
>>>> static int spi_nor_read(struct mtd_info *mtd, loff_t from, size_t len,
>>>>                         size_t *retlen, u_char *buf)
>>>> {
>>>>         // call to spi-nor erase nor->read()
>>>> }
>>>> static int spi_nor_write(struct mtd_info *mtd, loff_t to, size_t len,
>>>>         size_t *retlen, const u_char *buf)
>>>> {
>>>>         // call to spi-nor erase nor->erase()
>>>> }
>>>> int spi_nor_scan(struct spi_nor *nor)
>>>> {
>>>>     struct mtd_info *mtd = nor->mtd;
>>>>     // read_jedec
>>>>     // assign mtd hooks
>>>>     // other spi-nor stuff
>>>> }
>>>> drivers/mtd/spi-nor/m25p80.c
>>>> ----------------------------
>>>> struct m25p80 {
>>>>         struct spi_slave *spi;
>>>>         struct mtd_info   mtd;
>>>> };
>>>> static int m25p80_probe(struct udevice *dev)
>>>> {
>>>>     struct spi_slave *spi   = dev_get_parentdata(dev);
>>>>     struct spi_nor   *nor   = dev_get_uclass_priv(dev);
>>>>     struct m25p80    *flash = dev_get_priv(dev);
>>>>     struct spi_flash *sflash;
>>>>     spi_nor_scan(nor);
>>>>     add_mtd_device(&flash->mtd);
>>>> }
>>>> // spi-nor hooks
>>>> static const struct dm_spi_flash_ops m25p80_ops = {
>>>>         .read  = m25p80_read,
>>>>         .write = m25p80_write,
>>>>         .erase = m25p80_erase,
>>>> };
>>>> static const struct udevice_id m25p80_ids[] = {
>>>>         { .compatible = "jedec,spi-nor" },
>>>>         { }
>>>> };
>>>> U_BOOT_DRIVER(m25p80) = {
>>>>         .name           = "m25p80",
>>>>         .id             = UCLASS_SPI_NOR,
>>>>         .of_match       = m25p80_ids,
>>>>         .probe          = m25p80_probe,
>>>>         .priv_auto_alloc_size = sizeof(struct m25p80),
>>>>         .ops            = &m25p80_ops,
>>>> };
>>>> drivers/mtd/spi-nor/fsl-qspi.c
>>>> ------------------------------
>>>> struct fsl_qspi {
>>>>         struct mtd_info   mtd;
>>>> };
>>>> static int fsl_probe(struct udevice *dev)
>>>> {
>>>>     struct spi_nor   *nor = dev_get_uclass_priv(dev);
>>>>     struct fsl_qspi   *q  = dev_get_priv(dev);
>>>>     struct spi_flash *sflash;
>>>>     spi_nor_scan(nor);
>>>>     add_mtd_device(&q->mtd);
>>>> }
>>>> // spi-nor hooks
>>>> static const struct dm_spi_nor_ops fsl_qspi_ops = {
>>>>         .read  = fsl_qspi_read,
>>>>         .write = fsl_qspi_write,
>>>>         .erase = fsl_qspi_erase,
>>>> };
>>>> static const struct udevice_id fsl_qspi_ids[] = {
>>>>         { .compatible = "fsl,vf610-qspi" },
>>>>         { }
>>>> };
>>>> U_BOOT_DRIVER(fsl_qspi) = {
>>>>         .name           = "fsl_qspi",
>>>>         .id             = UCLASS_SPI_NOR,
>>>>         .of_match       = fsl_qspi_ids,
>>>>         .probe          = fsl_qspi_probe,
>>>>         .priv_auto_alloc_size = sizeof(struct fsl_qspi),
>>>>         ops             = &fsl_qspi_ops,
>>>> };
>>>> About non-dm handling
>>>> *********************
>>>> We still maintain the driver similar to m25p80.c for non-dm interface till
>>>> all spi-drivers converted into dm.
>>>> [1] https://www.mail-archive.com/u-boot@lists.denx.de/msg193802.html


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