On 11/24/2015 06:20 PM, Wang Huan-B18965 wrote:
>> On 11/23/2015 11:19 PM, Alexander Stein wrote:
>>> On Monday 23 November 2015 10:51:49, York Sun wrote:
>>>> On 11/04/2015 12:19 AM, Alexander Stein wrote:
>>>>> When reading a large blob. e.g. a linux kernel (several MiBs) a
>>>>> watchdog timeout might occur meanwhile. So pet the watchdog while
>>>>> operating on the flash.
>>>> Alexander,
>>>> On which platform was this watchdog issue found?
>>> On a custom board based on LS1021A. The (GPIO based) watchdog timeout
>>> is about 1.5s
>> Thanks.
>> Alison,
>> Please test on your boards to see if you suffer the same. I wonder how
>> fast QSPI runs and why we didn't see this issue.
> [Alison Wang] I didn't meet any issue when using sf commands to write and
> read the serial flash.
> Hi, Alexander,
>       Could you show me the detail commands and process when you meet
> such issue? Then I can try to reproduce on my board. 


Were you able to reproduce it?

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