On Friday 20 November 2015 08:52:54 Martin Orgonas wrote:
> Hello,
> I have Raspberry Pi Model B+ V1.2.
> I would like to use official Raspbian OS with U-Boot.
> When Raspberry Pi turn on then U-Boot starts and run Raspbian kernel.img.
> But i do not have anything kernel boot message on LCD monitor. Every
> messages are send to serial port (UART -> RS232) to the serial console.
> After Raspbian is started, I can login to system only via serial console or
> ethernet. Possibility for login to system via keyboard and LCD/monitor
> console is missing.
> How can I enable login to system over console on LCD with keyboard
> connected and How can I enable kernel boot message to LCD?

Can you be a little bit more specific what you mean with "LCD"? Monitor 
connected via HDMI or Cinch? TFT connected to DSI flat flex cable? TFT 
connected via SPI?

>             stderr=serial,lcd
>             stdin=serial,lcd
>             stdout=serial,lcd

This should be enough.

I have my TV connected via HDMI, output is both to TV and over serial, so in 
general output from u-boot to HDMI works.

Kind regards,


Stefan Brüns  /  Bergstraße 21  /  52062 Aachen
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