From: Stephen Warren <>

Most of command_ut.c simply runs shell commands which could just as
easily be invoked from the command-line. Convert all of that testing to
Python. I'd classify all of these tests as "system" tests since they use
the standard interface to the U-Boot "system".

The remaining tests rely on features only available to C code, such as
compound shell commands using \n as a separator, and validating the
return value of functions that invoke shell commands directly. I'd
classify these as unit tests, since they rely on mechanisms only
available internally.

Signed-off-by: Stephen Warren <>
I wonder how useful do_ut_cmd() is now. It does test some things that
can't be tested from the command-line, but...
 test/command_ut.c             | 133 ----------------------------------------
 test/py/           |  26 +++++++-
 test/py/  | 137 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 test/py/  |  31 ++++++++++
 test/py/ |   4 +-
 5 files changed, 194 insertions(+), 137 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 test/py/
 create mode 100644 test/py/

diff --git a/test/command_ut.c b/test/command_ut.c
index 926573a39543..35bd35ae2e30 100644
--- a/test/command_ut.c
+++ b/test/command_ut.c
@@ -20,21 +20,6 @@ static int do_ut_cmd(cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag, int argc, 
char * const argv[])
        printf("%s: Testing commands\n", __func__);
        run_command("env default -f -a", 0);
-       /* run a single command */
-       run_command("setenv single 1", 0);
-       assert(!strcmp("1", getenv("single")));
-       /* make sure that compound statements work */
-       run_command("if test -n ${single} ; then setenv check 1; fi", 0);
-       assert(!strcmp("1", getenv("check")));
-       run_command("setenv check", 0);
-       /* commands separated by ; */
-       run_command_list("setenv list 1; setenv list ${list}1", -1, 0);
-       assert(!strcmp("11", getenv("list")));
        /* commands separated by \n */
        run_command_list("setenv list 1\n setenv list ${list}1", -1, 0);
        assert(!strcmp("11", getenv("list")));
@@ -43,11 +28,6 @@ static int do_ut_cmd(cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag, int argc, 
char * const argv[])
        run_command_list("setenv list 1${list}\n", -1, 0);
        assert(!strcmp("111", getenv("list")));
-       /* three commands in a row */
-       run_command_list("setenv list 1\n setenv list ${list}2; "
-               "setenv list ${list}3", -1, 0);
-       assert(!strcmp("123", getenv("list")));
        /* a command string with \0 in it. Stuff after \0 should be ignored */
        run_command("setenv list", 0);
        run_command_list(test_cmd, sizeof(test_cmd), 0);
@@ -66,13 +46,6 @@ static int do_ut_cmd(cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag, int argc, 
char * const argv[])
        assert(run_command_list("false", -1, 0) == 1);
        assert(run_command_list("echo", -1, 0) == 0);
-       run_command("setenv foo 'setenv monty 1; setenv python 2'", 0);
-       run_command("run foo", 0);
-       assert(getenv("monty") != NULL);
-       assert(!strcmp("1", getenv("monty")));
-       assert(getenv("python") != NULL);
-       assert(!strcmp("2", getenv("python")));
        run_command("setenv foo 'setenv black 1\nsetenv adder 2'", 0);
        run_command("run foo", 0);
@@ -80,112 +53,6 @@ static int do_ut_cmd(cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag, int argc, 
char * const argv[])
        assert(!strcmp("1", getenv("black")));
        assert(getenv("adder") != NULL);
        assert(!strcmp("2", getenv("adder")));
-       /* Test the 'test' command */
-#define HUSH_TEST(name, expr, expected_result) \
-       run_command("if test " expr " ; then " \
-                       "setenv " #name "_" #expected_result " y; else " \
-                       "setenv " #name "_" #expected_result " n; fi", 0); \
-       assert(!strcmp(#expected_result, getenv(#name "_" #expected_result))); \
-       setenv(#name "_" #expected_result, NULL);
-       /* Basic operators */
-       HUSH_TEST(streq, "aaa = aaa", y);
-       HUSH_TEST(streq, "aaa = bbb", n);
-       HUSH_TEST(strneq, "aaa != bbb", y);
-       HUSH_TEST(strneq, "aaa != aaa", n);
-       HUSH_TEST(strlt, "aaa < bbb", y);
-       HUSH_TEST(strlt, "bbb < aaa", n);
-       HUSH_TEST(strgt, "bbb > aaa", y);
-       HUSH_TEST(strgt, "aaa > bbb", n);
-       HUSH_TEST(eq, "123 -eq 123", y);
-       HUSH_TEST(eq, "123 -eq 456", n);
-       HUSH_TEST(ne, "123 -ne 456", y);
-       HUSH_TEST(ne, "123 -ne 123", n);
-       HUSH_TEST(lt, "123 -lt 456", y);
-       HUSH_TEST(lt_eq, "123 -lt 123", n);
-       HUSH_TEST(lt, "456 -lt 123", n);
-       HUSH_TEST(le, "123 -le 456", y);
-       HUSH_TEST(le_eq, "123 -le 123", y);
-       HUSH_TEST(le, "456 -le 123", n);
-       HUSH_TEST(gt, "456 -gt 123", y);
-       HUSH_TEST(gt_eq, "123 -gt 123", n);
-       HUSH_TEST(gt, "123 -gt 456", n);
-       HUSH_TEST(ge, "456 -ge 123", y);
-       HUSH_TEST(ge_eq, "123 -ge 123", y);
-       HUSH_TEST(ge, "123 -ge 456", n);
-       HUSH_TEST(z, "-z \"\"", y);
-       HUSH_TEST(z, "-z \"aaa\"", n);
-       HUSH_TEST(n, "-n \"aaa\"", y);
-       HUSH_TEST(n, "-n \"\"", n);
-       /* Inversion of simple tests */
-       HUSH_TEST(streq_inv, "! aaa = aaa", n);
-       HUSH_TEST(streq_inv, "! aaa = bbb", y);
-       HUSH_TEST(streq_inv_inv, "! ! aaa = aaa", y);
-       HUSH_TEST(streq_inv_inv, "! ! aaa = bbb", n);
-       /* Binary operators */
-       HUSH_TEST(or_0_0, "aaa != aaa -o bbb != bbb", n);
-       HUSH_TEST(or_0_1, "aaa != aaa -o bbb = bbb", y);
-       HUSH_TEST(or_1_0, "aaa = aaa -o bbb != bbb", y);
-       HUSH_TEST(or_1_1, "aaa = aaa -o bbb = bbb", y);
-       HUSH_TEST(and_0_0, "aaa != aaa -a bbb != bbb", n);
-       HUSH_TEST(and_0_1, "aaa != aaa -a bbb = bbb", n);
-       HUSH_TEST(and_1_0, "aaa = aaa -a bbb != bbb", n);
-       HUSH_TEST(and_1_1, "aaa = aaa -a bbb = bbb", y);
-       /* Inversion within binary operators */
-       HUSH_TEST(or_0_0_inv, "! aaa != aaa -o ! bbb != bbb", y);
-       HUSH_TEST(or_0_1_inv, "! aaa != aaa -o ! bbb = bbb", y);
-       HUSH_TEST(or_1_0_inv, "! aaa = aaa -o ! bbb != bbb", y);
-       HUSH_TEST(or_1_1_inv, "! aaa = aaa -o ! bbb = bbb", n);
-       HUSH_TEST(or_0_0_inv_inv, "! ! aaa != aaa -o ! ! bbb != bbb", n);
-       HUSH_TEST(or_0_1_inv_inv, "! ! aaa != aaa -o ! ! bbb = bbb", y);
-       HUSH_TEST(or_1_0_inv_inv, "! ! aaa = aaa -o ! ! bbb != bbb", y);
-       HUSH_TEST(or_1_1_inv_inv, "! ! aaa = aaa -o ! ! bbb = bbb", y);
-       setenv("ut_var_nonexistent", NULL);
-       setenv("ut_var_exists", "1");
-       HUSH_TEST(z_varexp_quoted, "-z \"$ut_var_nonexistent\"", y);
-       HUSH_TEST(z_varexp_quoted, "-z \"$ut_var_exists\"", n);
-       setenv("ut_var_exists", NULL);
-       run_command("setenv ut_var_space \" \"", 0);
-       assert(!strcmp(getenv("ut_var_space"), " "));
-       run_command("setenv ut_var_test $ut_var_space", 0);
-       assert(!getenv("ut_var_test"));
-       run_command("setenv ut_var_test \"$ut_var_space\"", 0);
-       assert(!strcmp(getenv("ut_var_test"), " "));
-       run_command("setenv ut_var_test \" 1${ut_var_space}${ut_var_space} 2 
\"", 0);
-       assert(!strcmp(getenv("ut_var_test"), " 1   2 "));
-       setenv("ut_var_space", NULL);
-       setenv("ut_var_test", NULL);
-       /* File existence */
-       HUSH_TEST(e, "-e hostfs - creating_this_file_breaks_uboot_unit_test", 
-       run_command("sb save hostfs - creating_this_file_breaks_uboot_unit_test 
0 1", 0);
-       HUSH_TEST(e, "-e hostfs - creating_this_file_breaks_uboot_unit_test", 
-       /* Perhaps this could be replaced by an "rm" shell command one day */
-       assert(!os_unlink("creating_this_file_breaks_uboot_unit_test"));
-       HUSH_TEST(e, "-e hostfs - creating_this_file_breaks_uboot_unit_test", 
        assert(run_command("", 0) == 0);
diff --git a/test/py/ b/test/py/
index 16891cd6bb15..38c305f98250 100644
--- a/test/py/
+++ b/test/py/
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ def unset_var(state_test_env, var):
         del state_test_env.env[var]
 def set_var(state_test_env, var, value):
-    state_test_env.uboot_console.run_command("setenv " + var + " " + value)
+    state_test_env.uboot_console.run_command("setenv " + var + " \"" + value + 
     state_test_env.env[var] = value
 def validate_empty(state_test_env, var):
@@ -47,8 +47,10 @@ def validate_empty(state_test_env, var):
     assert response == ""
 def validate_set(state_test_env, var, value):
-    response = state_test_env.uboot_console.run_command("echo $" + var)
-    assert response == value
+    # echo does not preserve leading, internal, or trailing whitespace in the
+    # value. printenv does, and hence allows more complete testing.
+    response = state_test_env.uboot_console.run_command("printenv " + var)
+    assert response == (var + "=" + value)
 def test_env_echo_exists(state_test_env):
     """Echo a variable that exists"""
@@ -94,3 +96,21 @@ def test_env_unset_existing(state_test_env):
     var = state_test_env.set_var
     unset_var(state_test_env, var)
     validate_empty(state_test_env, var)
+def test_env_expansion_spaces(state_test_env):
+    var_space = None
+    var_test = None
+    try:
+        var_space = state_test_env.get_non_existent_var()
+        set_var(state_test_env, var_space, " ")
+        var_test = state_test_env.get_non_existent_var()
+        value = " 1${%(var_space)s}${%(var_space)s} 2 " % locals()
+        set_var(state_test_env, var_test, value)
+        value = " 1   2 "
+        validate_set(state_test_env, var_test, value)
+    finally:
+        if var_space:
+            unset_var(state_test_env, var_space)
+        if var_test:
+            unset_var(state_test_env, var_test)
diff --git a/test/py/ b/test/py/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3504922dcf12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/py/
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+import os
+import os.path
+import pytest
+subtests = (
+    # Base if functionality
+    ("true", True),
+    ("false", False),
+    # Basic operators
+    ("test aaa = aaa", True),
+    ("test aaa = bbb", False),
+    ("test aaa != bbb", True),
+    ("test aaa != aaa", False),
+    ("test aaa < bbb", True),
+    ("test bbb < aaa", False),
+    ("test bbb > aaa", True),
+    ("test aaa > bbb", False),
+    ("test 123 -eq 123", True),
+    ("test 123 -eq 456", False),
+    ("test 123 -ne 456", True),
+    ("test 123 -ne 123", False),
+    ("test 123 -lt 456", True),
+    ("test 123 -lt 123", False),
+    ("test 456 -lt 123", False),
+    ("test 123 -le 456", True),
+    ("test 123 -le 123", True),
+    ("test 456 -le 123", False),
+    ("test 456 -gt 123", True),
+    ("test 123 -gt 123", False),
+    ("test 123 -gt 456", False),
+    ("test 456 -ge 123", True),
+    ("test 123 -ge 123", True),
+    ("test 123 -ge 456", False),
+    ("test -z \"\"", True),
+    ("test -z \"aaa\"", False),
+    ("test -n \"aaa\"", True),
+    ("test -n \"\"", False),
+    # Inversion of simple tests
+    ("test ! aaa = aaa", False),
+    ("test ! aaa = bbb", True),
+    ("test ! ! aaa = aaa", True),
+    ("test ! ! aaa = bbb", False),
+    # Binary operators
+    ("test aaa != aaa -o bbb != bbb", False),
+    ("test aaa != aaa -o bbb = bbb", True),
+    ("test aaa = aaa -o bbb != bbb", True),
+    ("test aaa = aaa -o bbb = bbb", True),
+    ("test aaa != aaa -a bbb != bbb", False),
+    ("test aaa != aaa -a bbb = bbb", False),
+    ("test aaa = aaa -a bbb != bbb", False),
+    ("test aaa = aaa -a bbb = bbb", True),
+    # Inversion within binary operators
+    ("test ! aaa != aaa -o ! bbb != bbb", True),
+    ("test ! aaa != aaa -o ! bbb = bbb", True),
+    ("test ! aaa = aaa -o ! bbb != bbb", True),
+    ("test ! aaa = aaa -o ! bbb = bbb", False),
+    ("test ! ! aaa != aaa -o ! ! bbb != bbb", False),
+    ("test ! ! aaa != aaa -o ! ! bbb = bbb", True),
+    ("test ! ! aaa = aaa -o ! ! bbb != bbb", True),
+    ("test ! ! aaa = aaa -o ! ! bbb = bbb", True),
+    # -z operator
+    ("test -z \"$ut_var_nonexistent\"", True),
+    ("test -z \"$ut_var_exists\"", False),
+def exec_hush_if(uboot_console, expr, result):
+    cmd = "if " + expr + "; then echo true; else echo false; fi"
+    response = uboot_console.run_command(cmd)
+    assert response.strip() == str(result).lower()
+def test_hush_if_test_setup(uboot_console):
+    uboot_console.run_command("setenv ut_var_nonexistent")
+    uboot_console.run_command("setenv ut_var_exists 1")
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("expr,result", subtests)
+def test_hush_if_test(uboot_console, expr, result):
+    exec_hush_if(uboot_console, expr, result)
+def test_hush_if_test_teardown(uboot_console):
+    uboot_console.run_command("setenv ut_var_exists")
+# We might test this on real filesystems via UMS, DFU, "save", etc.
+# Of those, only UMS currently allows file removal though.
+def test_hush_if_test_host_file_exists(uboot_console):
+    test_file = uboot_console.config.result_dir + \
+        "/creating_this_file_breaks_uboot_tests"
+    try:
+        os.unlink(test_file)
+    except:
+        pass
+    assert not os.path.exists(test_file)
+    expr = "test -e hostfs - " + test_file
+    exec_hush_if(uboot_console, expr, False)
+    try:
+        with file(test_file, "wb"):
+            pass
+        assert os.path.exists(test_file)
+        expr = "test -e hostfs - " + test_file
+        exec_hush_if(uboot_console, expr, True)
+    finally:
+        os.unlink(test_file)
+    expr = "test -e hostfs - " + test_file
+    exec_hush_if(uboot_console, expr, False)
diff --git a/test/py/ b/test/py/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5477ea4e32ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/py/
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+def test_shell_execute(uboot_console):
+    """Test any shell command"""
+    response = uboot_console.run_command("echo hello")
+    assert response.strip() == "hello"
+def test_shell_semicolon_two(uboot_console):
+    """Test two shell commands separate by a semi-colon"""
+    cmd = "echo hello; echo world"
+    response = uboot_console.run_command(cmd)
+    # This validation method ignores the exact whitespace between the strings
+    assert response.index("hello") < response.index("world")
+def test_shell_semicolon_three(uboot_console):
+    """Test three shell commands separate by a semi-colon"""
+    cmd = "setenv list 1; setenv list ${list}2; setenv list ${list}3; " + \
+        "echo ${list}"
+    response = uboot_console.run_command(cmd)
+    assert response.strip() == "123"
+    uboot_console.run_command("setenv list")
+def test_shell_run(uboot_console):
+    """Test the 'run' shell command"""
+    uboot_console.run_command("setenv foo 'setenv monty 1; setenv python 2'")
+    uboot_console.run_command("run foo")
+    response = uboot_console.run_command("echo $monty")
+    assert response.strip() == "1"
+    response = uboot_console.run_command("echo $python")
+    assert response.strip() == "2"
+    uboot_console.run_command("setenv foo")
+    uboot_console.run_command("setenv monty")
+    uboot_console.run_command("setenv python")
diff --git a/test/py/ b/test/py/
index 4bf9e8303633..5ecddd88e124 100644
--- a/test/py/
+++ b/test/py/
@@ -84,7 +84,9 @@ class ConsoleBase(object):
                 raise Exception("Bad pattern found on console: " +
                                 bad_pattern_ids[m - 1])
             self.at_prompt = True
-            return self.p.before.strip()
+            # Only strip \r\n; space/TAB might be significant if testing
+            # indentation.
+            return self.p.before.strip("\r\n")
         except Exception as ex:

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