I'm working with imx28evk reference board with u-boot 2011.12 and for my specific purposes I have to load u-boot nand environment during spl binary is loading. I'm working with a static environment but this is not so useful because I need to initialize some drivers (such as serial console) with the current values stored within nand flash environment (such as baudrate variable). Comparing my u-boot version with more recent ones (u-boot 2015.10) I've found out that the enviroment loading has been applied during ram bootstrapping...can't we do this operation before u-boot.bin has been loaded in ddr memory?
Could you send me any tips to solve this issue?
Francesco Lucconi
SW Design Dept.

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Email: francesco.lucc...@aethra.com <mailto:francesco.lucc...@aethra.com>
Website: www.aethra.com <http://www.aethra.com>
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