On Aug 4, 2009, at 9:24 AM, Wolfgang Denk wrote:

> Dear Kumar Gala,
> In message  
> <7acc3970-1b73-4828-941c-48c6601a7...@kernel.crashing.org> you wrote:
>> I had two ideas on simple ways to convey the value of CCSRBAR, IMMR,
>> etc.. on various Freescale PPC SoCs.  Knowing the value is useful in
>> debugging if you need to dump the register space.  I wanted to see if
>> people had a preference or other ideas:
>> 1. add it as output when we boot:
> This would be only acceptable when DEBUG is enabled, and even this
> it's ugly.
>> 2. add it as a environment variable
>> ccsrbar=fe000000
> Please don't.
>> I also thought about having it as a command but that seems like a lot
>> of code w/o any real purpose.
> I don't understand what exactly you need it for.
> The information should be part of struct bd_info for all relevant
> architectures, and struct global_data holds a pointer to bd_info as
> the first element, and on PowerPC R2 holds a pointer to the global
> data.
> So you can easily define a GDB macro to do something like this:
> (gdb) print/x ((gd_t *)$r2)->bd->bi_immr_base

I didn't think about it being in the bd.  I can use 'bdinfo' to output  
its value.

- k
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