On 11/03/2015 10:07 AM, Tom Rini wrote:
>>>>> > >>> +obj-$(CONFIG_I2C) += ti-i2c-eeprom.o
>>>> > >>
>>>> > >> This makes this module compile on all TI SoC based boards enabling 
>>>> > >> I2C.
>>>> > >> AFAIU, this is a separate chip (not inside the SoC), so this module 
>>>> > >> will
>>>> > >> also compile on non-TI boards that do not have this EEPROM.
>>>> > >> I think, it should be more fine grained (e.g. have its own symbol).
>>>> > >>
>>> > > Can you give a suggestion?
>> > 
>> > Are you sure this will be built into non-ti SoCs with I2C enabled if you
>> > are not using the function? I assume  __maybe_unused should take care of
>> > that, no - let the compiler do the gc anyways?
> The gc should work, yes.  But this is also TI-centric code and should
> end up in board/ti/ similar to how the Siemens AM335x EEPROM code is
> under board/siemens/ because they didn't re-use the TI format :)

aaah - Nice! a board/ti/common folder for generic stuff like these does
indeed sound like the right solution to me. at least that should prevent
cruft that crept into am437x basically duplicating am335x eeprom data
all over again.

Nishanth Menon
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