Current document about how to boot VxWorks is limited.
Add several chapters in README.vxworks to document this.

Signed-off-by: Bin Meng <>


 doc/README.vxworks | 78 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
 doc/README.x86     |  2 ++
 2 files changed, 72 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/README.vxworks b/doc/README.vxworks
index 4cb302e..6614e7a 100644
--- a/doc/README.vxworks
+++ b/doc/README.vxworks
@@ -1,19 +1,81 @@
-From VxWorks 6.9+ (not include 6.9), VxWorks starts adopting device tree as 
its hardware
-decription mechansim (for PowerPC and ARM), thus requiring boot interface 
+# Copyright (C) 2013, Miao Yan <>
+# Copyright (C) 2015, Bin Meng <>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier:     GPL-2.0+
+VxWorks Support
+This document describes the information about U-Boot loading VxWorks kernel.
+U-Boot supports loading VxWorks kernels via 'bootvx' and 'bootm' commands.
+For booting old kernels (6.9.x) on PowerPC and ARM, and all kernel versions
+on other architectures, 'bootvx' shall be used. For booting VxWorks 7 kernels
+on PowerPC and ARM, 'bootm' shall be used.
+64-bit x86 kernel cannot be loaded as of today.
+VxWork 7 on PowerPC and ARM
+From VxWorks 7, VxWorks starts adopting device tree as its hardware decription
+mechansim (for PowerPC and ARM), thus requiring boot interface changes.
 This section will describe the new interface.
-For PowerPC, the calling convention of the new VxWorks entry point conforms to 
the ePAPR standard,
-which is shown below (see ePAPR for more details):
+For PowerPC, the calling convention of the new VxWorks entry point conforms to
+the ePAPR standard, which is shown below (see ePAPR for more details):
-    void (*kernel_entry)(fdt_addr,
-              0, 0, EPAPR_MAGIC, boot_IMA, 0, 0)
+    void (*kernel_entry)(fdt_addr, 0, 0, EPAPR_MAGIC, boot_IMA, 0, 0)
 For ARM, the calling convention is show below:
     void (*kernel_entry)(void *fdt_addr)
-When booting new VxWorks kernel (uImage format), the parameters passed to 
bootm is like below:
+When booting new VxWorks kernel (uImage format), the parameters passed to bootm
+is like below:
     bootm <kernel image address> - <device tree address>
-The do_bootvx command still works as it was for older VxWorks kernels.
+VxWorks bootline
+When using 'bootvx', the kernel bootline must be prepared by U-Boot at a
+board-specific address before loading VxWorks. U-Boot supplies its address
+via "bootaddr" environment variable. To check where the bootline should be
+for a specific board, go to the VxWorks BSP for that board, and look for a
+parameter called BOOT_LINE_ADRS. Assign its value to "bootaddr".
+If a "bootargs" variable is defined, its content will be copied to the memory
+location pointed by "bootaddr" as the kernel bootline. If "bootargs" is not
+there, command 'bootvx' can construct a valid bootline using the following
+environments variables: bootdev, bootfile, ipaddr, netmask, serverip,
+gatewayip, hostname, othbootargs.
+When using 'bootm', just define "bootargs" in the environment and U-Boot will
+handle bootline fix up for the kernel dtb automatically.
+Serial console
+It's very common that VxWorks BSPs configure a different baud rate for the
+serial console from what is being used by U-Boot. For example, VxWorks tends
+to use 9600 as the default baud rate on all x86 BSPs while U-Boot uses 115200.
+Please configure both U-Boot and VxWorks to use the same baud rate, or it may
+look like VxWorks hangs somewhere as nothing outputs on the serial console.
+x86-specific information
+Before loading an x86 kernel, two additional environment variables need to be
+provided. They are "e820data" and "e820info", which represent the address of
+E820 table and E820 information (defined by VxWorks) in system memory.
+Check VxWorks kernel configuration to look for BIOS_E820_DATA_START and
+BIOS_E820_INFO_START, and assign their values to "e820data" and "e820info"
+accordingly. If neither of these two are supplied, U-Boot assumes a default
+location at 0x4000 for "e820data" and 0x4a00 for "e820info".
+Note since currently U-Boot does not support ACPI yet, VxWorks kernel must
+be configured to use MP table and virtual wire interrupt mode. This requires
+VxWorks kernel configuration.
diff --git a/doc/README.x86 b/doc/README.x86
index 6cf293b..a4f5321 100644
--- a/doc/README.x86
+++ b/doc/README.x86
@@ -25,6 +25,8 @@ targets and all Intel boards support running U-Boot 'bare 
 As for loading an OS, U-Boot supports directly booting a 32-bit or 64-bit
 Linux kernel as part of a FIT image. It also supports a compressed zImage.
+U-Boot supports loading an x86 VxWorks kernel. Please check README.vxworks
+for more details.
 Build Instructions for U-Boot as coreboot payload

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