
On 4 September 2015 at 01:36, Jian Luo <jian.l...@boschrexroth.de> wrote:
> Hi Simon,
> On 04.09.2015 02:23, Simon Glass wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On 3 September 2015 at 05:14, Marek Vasut <ma...@denx.de> wrote:
>>> On Thursday, September 03, 2015 at 01:12:03 PM, Jian Luo wrote:
>>>> On 03.09.2015 12:46, Marek Vasut wrote:
>>>>  > On Thursday, September 03, 2015 at 12:17:13 PM, Jian Luo wrote:
>>>>  >
>>>>  > Hi!
>>>>  >
>>>>  > [...]
>>>>  >
>>>>  >>  >> Yes, I can. But U-Boot can still have problem with other Image
>>>>  >>  >> which disables ECC.
>>>>  >>  >> I found another post related to this problem
>>>>  >>  >> https://lkml.org/lkml/2015/2/6/685 .
>>>>  >>  >>
>>>>  >>  >>      Quote: To initialize ECC, the OCRAM needs to enable ECC
>>>> then clear
>>>>  >>  >> the entire
>>>>  >>  >>
>>>>  >>  >>      memory to zero before using it.
>>>>  >>
>>>>  >> Hi!
>>>>  >>
>>>>  >>  > Oh, but that is a problem, since we're running from the OCRAM
>>>> ourselves,
>>>>  >>  > thus we cannot clear the OCRAM. Maybe we should force-disable the
>>>>  >>  > ECC instead? But can we be sure that the corruption does not
>>>> happen
>>>>  >>  > when you disable ECC ?
>>>>  >>
>>>>  >> Yes, that will be a problem. It's also why I let the
>>>>  >> SYSMGR_ECC_OCRAM_EN bit intact in the patch.
>>>>  >
>>>>  > OK, but what about turning the ECC off in the SPL, will that also
>>>> introduce
>>>>  > corruption or not ? That might be the right fix, no ?
>>>> Hi Marek,
>>>> Sorry, I don't know the detail of ECC implementation in socfpga.
>>>> Dinh might have the answer to that.
>>>> Anyhow I still think let the setting untouched is the safest fix.
>>>> SPL should use the same ECC setting which BROM loads SPL with.
>>> That's right, but I'd also like to have this bit in some defined
>>> state from the boot instead of having this in some random setting.
>>> Dinh, can you comment on this corruption please ?
>> Also I'm still a bit confused.
>> The code in crt0.S zeroes global_data so how can it be non-zero a
>> little later in board_init_f()?
> board_init_f() enables the ECC of the SRAM regardless its previous state.
> If ECC is disabled beborehand, re-enabling it can cause SRAM misreading.

OK thanks. It might be possible to do this earlier, say in cpu_init_crit().

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