On 09/02/2015 09:42 AM, Joakim Tjernlund wrote:
> On Wed, 2015-09-02 at 09:34 -0500, York Sun wrote:
>> On 09/02/2015 09:31 AM, Joakim Tjernlund wrote:
>>> On Wed, 2015-09-02 at 08:35 -0500, York Sun wrote:
>>>> On 09/02/2015 06:41 AM, Joakim Tjernlund wrote:
>>>>> T1040 RM specifies CLK_ADJUST as 5 bits starting at bit pos 9
>>>>> in DDR_DDR_SDRAM_CLK_CNTL, update code to match.
>>>>> Signed-off-by: Joakim Tjernlund <joakim.tjernl...@transmode.se>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  drivers/ddr/fsl/ctrl_regs.c | 2 +-
>>>>>  1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
>>>>> diff --git a/drivers/ddr/fsl/ctrl_regs.c b/drivers/ddr/fsl/ctrl_regs.c
>>>>> index 3919257..57077e1 100644
>>>>> --- a/drivers/ddr/fsl/ctrl_regs.c
>>>>> +++ b/drivers/ddr/fsl/ctrl_regs.c
>>>>> @@ -1756,7 +1756,7 @@ static void 
>>>>> set_ddr_sdram_clk_cntl(fsl_ddr_cfg_regs_t *ddr,
>>>>>   clk_adjust = popts->clk_adjust;
>>>>>   ddr->ddr_sdram_clk_cntl = (0
>>>>>                              | ((ss_en & 0x1) << 31)
>>>>> -                            | ((clk_adjust & 0xF) << 23)
>>>>> +                            | ((clk_adjust & 0x1F) << 22)
>>>>>                              );
>>>>>   debug("FSLDDR: clk_cntl = 0x%08x\n", ddr->ddr_sdram_clk_cntl);
>>>>>  }
>>>> NACK. This is logically correct but it needs to consider all DDR 
>>>> controllers.
>>>> Older controllers don't have the same bits for this field. So far we don't 
>>>> have
>>>> to use this this fine granularity on clock adjustment.
>>> I have no idea what older controllers do with these bits so I leave it to 
>>> you to find out.
>>> Anyhow, current code is broken as the programmed value is doubled(we see 
>>> this on our board
>>> which cannot boot linux without this fix)
>> Jocke,
>> Can you refer to Freescale board? You may be using correct clk_adjust value 
>> on
> Custom board based on T1042RDB
>> your board. But when you use this driver, you may have to adjust the value by
>> shifting 1 bit. You will lose some values but we haven't found it difficult.
>> This value is important but can also tolerate a wide range.
> Sure, but how should anyone know that beforehand? The clk_adjust was 
> calculated using
> Freescales CW tool and added to table with the write lvl data.
> Are the values for the T104x boards already compensated like you suggest?
> Then they will (possibly) break when this bug is fixed.


I understand the frustration for having tools disconnected.
The CW tool gives:file you a suggestion but you have to put it in u-boot
differently. Freescale boards including T104x have correct values, for example

I don't consider it a bug for backward compatibility.

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