
>>>> Magnus Lilja <lilja.mag...@gmail.com> 14.07.09 19.43 Uhr >>>
> Hi

>>>>2009/7/14 Ulrich Gerster <gerst...@dhbw-loerrach.de>:
>> Hello.
>>>>> Magnus Lilja <lilja.mag...@gmail.com> 14.07.09 16.03 Uhr >>>
>>>> I used the patch from you out of this posting:
>>>> [U-Boot-Users] [PATCH RFC 3/5] i.MX31: Add i.MX31 NAND Flash Controller 
>>>> driver.
>>>> http://lists.denx.de/pipermail/u-boot/2008-August/038239.html
>>>> They should work, or not? Do they require something else?
>>> I haven't tried that driver on a recent U-boot so I don't know if (or
>>> how) it will work when applied to a recent U-Boot.
>> I'm using the u-boot master release of middle of June.
>> How can I ensure that your patch is working? Or how do I know what is 
>> missing that it works?

> You need to use either a debugger or add printf's to see what's going
> on (to the mxc_nd.c or whatever the file is called.

I have the drivers working now. But there's a little problem left. When I try 
to use u-boot to update itself (write itself from RAM to Flash) it seems that 
it overwrites the out of band information too.
So when I try to reboot nothing is working because every program assumes that 
the first blocks are bad.
Do you have a suggestion how to fix that issue?

Ulrich Gerster
U-Boot mailing list

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