Hi !

I am trying to run a u-boot.bin from the RAM as a standalone application and
occationally my board hangs and resets. i found the place it breaks but dont
have any clue why..

After the u-boot.img is loaded, i get the cmd prompt and run run the
u-boot.bin from by boot partition of emmc
U-Boot# fatload mmc 1:1 0x84000000 u-boot.bin
reading u-boot.bin
388959 bytes read in 44 ms (8.4 MiB/s)
U-Boot# go 0x84000000
## Starting application at 0x84000000 ...

Here the u-boot.bin starts and runs fine most of the time. occationally i
get the following and system hangs and resets. 

RAM Configuration:
Bank #0: 80000000
DRAM:  1 GiB

I have a 256M lpDDR Ram on our custom board and for some reason u-boot
calculates the wrong (1Gb) on the bad cases..

Here is the file it reports the calculated RAM size..

I added some debug prints and here are the outputs for a valid case and
occational bad reset..

function modified:

long get_ram_size(long *base, long maxsize)
        volatile long *addr;
        long           save[32];
        long           cnt;
        long           val;
        long           size;
        int            i = 0;

        printf("The value of base is %ld and max value is %ld and size of long 
%d \n", *base, maxsize, sizeof(long));

        for (cnt = (maxsize / sizeof(long)) >> 1; cnt > 0; cnt >>= 1) {
                addr = base + cnt;      /* pointer arith! */
                printf("address= %ld ", *addr);
                save[i++] = *addr;
                printf("save[%d]=%ld \n", i, *addr);
                *addr = ~cnt;
  printf("The address val is %ld ", *addr);
        addr = base;
        save[i] = *addr;
        *addr = 0;
        printf("save[%d]=%ld \n", i, *addr);
        if ((val = *addr) != 0) {
                /* Restore the original data before leaving the function. */
          puts(" The value of addr is 0 \n");
                *addr = save[i];
                for (cnt = 1; cnt < maxsize / sizeof(long); cnt <<= 1) {
                        addr  = base + cnt;
                        *addr = save[--i];
                puts("Returning zero size !!!");
                return (0);

        for (cnt = 1; cnt < maxsize / sizeof(long); cnt <<= 1) {
                addr = base + cnt;      /* pointer arith! */
                val = *addr;
                *addr = save[--i];

                printf("base=%ld , val=%ld ,  address,save[%d]=%ld, cnt=%ld and 
\n",*base, val,i,*addr,cnt,~cnt);

                if (val != ~cnt) {
                        size = cnt * sizeof(long);

                        printf("calulated size is  %ld \n!!!!", size);
                         * Restore the original data
                         * before leaving the function.
                        for (cnt <<= 1;
                             cnt < maxsize / sizeof(long);
                             cnt <<= 1) {
                                addr  = base + cnt;
                                *addr = save[--i];

                  printf("returning cal size %ld \n!!!!", size);
                        return (size);

        puts("returning max size!!!!");
        return (maxsize);

Bad Case:

Good Case:


I get a value even after the valid RAM range and this happens randomly..
I have caches enabled in both the u-boot.img and u-boot.bin. please let me
know if i am missing anything..


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