On Mon, Aug 24, 2015 at 08:34:43PM +0200, Daniel Kochmański wrote:

> Dear all,
> to my great detriment I've recently noticed, that Sunxi SPL NAND support
> I've been working very hard to upstream has been lately reverted. I was
> surprised, that nobody has acknowledged me about that.
> Namely I'm talking about commit:
> da9971d1b3bdb554d4a4ac948119f8b2616bbcce

For reference:
Which refers to

> I guess it was an act of my dishonest ex-employer, with whom we have now
> legal issue about copyrights on above-mentioned driver. In January 2015
> I was granted with the permission to upstream the code to Das U-Boot
> from my ex-employer and sent set of patches which I hadn't time to work
> with later (note the copyrights on nand driver):
> https://www.mail-archive.com/linux-sunxi@googlegroups.com/msg09354.html
> After this job I have finally had time to finish this work (which is
> based on already published code from January 5th). It didn't took long,
> when Antmicro send me a legal paper with claims that I infract their
> copyrights – what isn't true. This dispute is still pending on the legal
> ground.
> I have no words for such a meanness from my previous employer – to give
> permission to upstream code and then, for probably the some business
> reasons, deny their own words. This is really tawdry.

Please, to all sides, don't drag the community into this.  What I want
to note is that in the offending commit from Daniel there is _not_ a
Signed-off-by line from Daniel, and for a non-trivial contribution like
this, that should not have been merged, regardless of the legal status
of the code between Daniel and Antmicro.  No Signed-off-by line on a
large contribution?  Should not be merged, period.


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