
The following changes since commit 1bc1538613d66cef3cbce680fc8d7c3561a0fbd0:
  Peter Tyser (1):
        Move examples/ to examples/standalone

are available in the git repository at:

  git://git.denx.de/u-boot-net.git master

Alessio Centazzo (1):
      ppc4xx: Fixed compilation warning in 4xx_enet.c

Andreas Pretzsch (1):
      smc911x: add support for LAN9221

Ben Warren (2):
      Add warning about upcoming removal of old Ethernet API
      Convert SMC911X Ethernet driver to CONFIG_NET_MULTI API

David Brownell (1):
      rm9200 ethernet driver: board-specific quirk (csb337)

Kim Phillips (1):
      net: tsec - fix dereferencing type-punned pointer will break 
strict-aliasing rules warning

Kumar Gala (1):
      uec: Fix compile warning

Michael Zaidman (1):
      DHCP regression on 2009-06

Mike Frysinger (1):
      net: rename NetRxPkt to NetRxPacket

Nobuhiro Iwamatsu (1):
      sh: sh_eth: Remove garbage from printf

Poonam Aggrwal (1):
      P2020RDB Added support of Vitesse PHYs VSC8641(RGMII) and VSC8221(SGMII)

Prafulla Wadaskar (2):
      net: phy: bugfixes: mv88E61xx multichip addressing support
      net: Kirkwood_egiga: forced interface speed config support

Richard Retanubun (1):
      MIIPHYBB: Return 0xFFFF if the PHY is not asserting TA.

Robin Getz (1):
      Add DNS support

Simon Kagstrom (2):
      arm: Kirkwood: Fix compiler optimization bug for kwgbe_send
      arm: Kirkwood: Check the error summary bit for error detection

Thomas Dörfler (1):
      Bugfix: mpc512x_fec MII accesses fail after ethernet transfers

 board/bf548-ezkit/bf548-ezkit.c     |    8 ++
 board/cm-bf548/cm-bf548.c           |   10 ++
 board/freescale/mx31pdk/mx31pdk.c   |   10 ++
 board/imx31_litekit/imx31_litekit.c |   10 ++
 board/imx31_phycore/imx31_phycore.c |   10 ++
 board/micronas/vct/ebi_smc911x.c    |   22 +++-
 board/micronas/vct/vct.c            |   10 ++
 board/omap3/evm/evm.c               |   10 ++
 board/renesas/ap325rxa/ap325rxa.c   |   10 ++
 board/renesas/rsk7203/rsk7203.c     |   17 +++-
 common/cmd_net.c                    |   49 ++++++++
 cpu/arm920t/at91rm9200/ether.c      |   22 +++-
 doc/README.dns                      |   64 +++++++++++
 drivers/net/4xx_enet.c              |    3 +-
 drivers/net/Makefile                |    2 +-
 drivers/net/kirkwood_egiga.c        |   57 ++++++++--
 drivers/net/kirkwood_egiga.h        |    1 +
 drivers/net/mpc512x_fec.c           |   13 ++
 drivers/net/phy/miiphybb.c          |    7 +
 drivers/net/phy/mv88e61xx.c         |   18 ++--
 drivers/net/phy/mv88e61xx.h         |    2 +-
 drivers/net/sh_eth.c                |    2 +-
 drivers/net/smc911x.c               |  177 ++++++++++++++++-------------
 drivers/net/smc911x.h               |  170 +++++++++++++++-------------
 drivers/net/tsec.c                  |   57 +++++++++-
 include/configs/ap325rxa.h          |    7 +-
 include/configs/bf548-ezkit.h       |    7 +-
 include/configs/cm-bf548.h          |    7 +-
 include/configs/imx31_litekit.h     |    7 +-
 include/configs/imx31_phycore.h     |    7 +-
 include/configs/mx31pdk.h           |    7 +-
 include/configs/omap3_evm.h         |    7 +-
 include/configs/rsk7203.h           |    7 +-
 include/configs/vct.h               |    9 +-
 include/net.h                       |    9 +-
 include/netdev.h                    |    2 +
 net/Makefile                        |    7 +-
 net/bootp.c                         |    2 +-
 net/dns.c                           |  211 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 net/dns.h                           |   39 +++++++
 net/eth.c                           |    2 +
 net/net.c                           |   40 ++++++-
 42 files changed, 902 insertions(+), 236 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 doc/README.dns
 create mode 100644 net/dns.c
 create mode 100644 net/dns.h


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