> Atmel DataFlashes by default operate with pages with 1056 byte pages.  They
> also have a "power of 2" mode where the pages are 1024 bytes in size.

Page size is not always 1056/1024 bytes, it is depended on total memory 

> +             if (flash_set_pow2(slave)) {
> +                     puts("setting pow2 mode failed\n");
> +                     goto done;
> +             }
> +
> +             puts("OK!\n");
> +
> + done:
> +             spi_release_bus(slave);
> +             spi_free_slave(slave);
> +     }
> +}

DafaFlash documentation says that "The device must be power cycled after 
the completion of the program cycle to set the power of 2 page size", so 
it would be good to print that information at the end of programming.

Andrzej Wolski

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