Hi Stefan,

On 07/23/2015 05:22 AM, Stefan Roese wrote:
> Hi Vikas,
> On 16.07.2015 08:46, Stefan Roese wrote:
>>>>> In addition can you please check the patch causing this instability on
>>>>> socfpga. I don't like to bug you but to close this patchset, this info
>>>>> & tests mentioned above seems to be required.
>>>> Okay. I'll try to find some time this week to do some testing here.
>>>> It seems
>>>> that the other cadence patchset from you ([v4 00/10] spi:
>>>> cadence_qspi: sram depth from DT & fix for FIFO width) is not pulled
>>>> into
>>>> mainline yet. To make it easier for me, could you perhaps publish a git
>>>> repository that is based on current mainline. And has the mentioned
>>>> above
>>>> patch series included. And all the patches in the latest version that
>>>> are
>>>> currently causing these problems on SoCFPGA?
>>> The patchset was in u-boot-spi repository, yesterday pulled by Tom in
>>> mainline. I will rebase the patchset in discussion
>>> (spi: cadence_qspi: optimize & fix indirect rd-writes) on mainline
>>> master & send the V2.
>>> Let me know if it is ok.
>> Okay, I'll try to find some time later this week or next week for some
>> tests.
> I couldn't find the required time to  test these patches again yet. 
> Sorry. And I'll leave for a short vacation tomorrow. So I won't be able 
> to get to this issue before week 32.
> Perhaps somebody else finds some time to look at this QSPI driver issue 
> in the meantime
Any update ?


> Thanks,
> Stefan
> .
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