On Fri 17 Jul 2009 18:01, Wolfgang Denk pondered:
> Dear Robin Getz,
> In message <200907171745.36176.rg...@blackfin.uclinux.org> you wrote:
> >
> > > You probably should add a doc/README.* file to explain how that is
> > > supposed to be used.
> > 
> > Will do.
> > 
> > What is the rule for when things go in ./doc/README.* vs ./README ?
> Size - anything that takes more than 5...10 lines ?
> > > Could you generate a git patch instead?
> > 
> > Sure - I'll generate something from the net tree?
> Please use the mainline repo / "master" branch as reference.

v2 - based on mainline repo "master"
      - implemented feedback from Wolfgang

 common/cmd_net.c                  |   47 ++++++++
 doc/README.dns                    |   64 +++++++++++
 include/net.h                     |    5
 net/Makefile                      |    1
 net/dns.c                         |  212 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 net/dns.h                         |   38 ++++++
 net/net.c                         |   19 +++
 8 files changed, 393 insertions(+)


diff --git a/common/cmd_net.c b/common/cmd_net.c
index 68183c4..8899143 100644
--- a/common/cmd_net.c
+++ b/common/cmd_net.c
@@ -353,3 +353,50 @@ U_BOOT_CMD(
        "[NTP server IP]\n"
+#if defined(CONFIG_CMD_DNS)
+int do_dns(cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag, int argc, char *argv[])
+       if (argc == 1) {
+               cmd_usage(cmdtp);
+               return -1;
+       }
+       /*
+        * We should check for a valid hostname:
+        * - Each label must be between 1 and 63 characters long
+        * - the entire hostname has a maximum of 255 characters
+        * - only the ASCII letters 'a' through 'z' (case-insensitive),
+        *   the digits '0' through '9', and the hyphen
+        * - cannot begin or end with a hyphen
+        * - no other symbols, punctuation characters, or blank spaces are 
+        * but hey - this is a minimalist implmentation, so only check length
+        */
+       if (strlen(argv[1]) >= 255) {
+               printf("dns error: hostname too long\n");
+               return 1;
+       }
+       NetDNSResolve = argv[1];
+       if (argc == 3)
+               NetDNSenvvar = argv[2];
+       else
+               NetDNSenvvar = NULL;
+       if (NetLoop(DNS) < 0) {
+               printf("dns lookup of %s failed, check setup\n", argv[1]);
+               return 1;
+       }
+       return 0;
+       dns,    3,      1,      do_dns,
+       "lookup the IP of a hostname",
+       "hostname [envvar]"
+#endif /* CONFIG_CMD_DNS */
diff --git a/doc/README.dns b/doc/README.dns
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..deeccd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/README.dns
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+Domain Name System
+The Domain Name System (DNS) is a hierarchical naming system for computers,
+services, or any resource participating in the Internet. It associates various
+information with domain names assigned to each of the participants. Most
+importantly, it translates domain names meaningful to humans into the numerical
+(binary) identifiers associated with networking equipment for the purpose of
+locating and addressing these devices world-wide. An often used analogy to
+explain the Domain Name System is that it serves as the "phone book" for the
+Internet by translating human-friendly computer hostnames into IP addresses.
+For example, www.example.com translates to
+For more information on DNS - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domain_Name_System
+U-Boot and DNS
+CONFIG_CMD_DNS - controls if the 'dns' command is compiled in. If it is, it
+                 will send name lookups to the dns server (env var 'dnsip')
+                 Turning this option on will about abou 1k to U-Boot's size.
+                 Example:
+bfin> print dnsip
+bfin> dns www.google.com
+                 By default, dns does nothing except print the IP number on
+                 the default console - which by itself, would be pretty
+                 useless. Adding a third argument to the dns command will
+                 use that as the environment variable to be set.
+                 Example:
+bfin> print googleip
+## Error: "googleip" not defined
+bfin> dns www.google.com googleip
+bfin> print googleip
+bfin> ping ${googleip}
+Using Blackfin EMAC device
+host is alive
+                 In this way, you can lookup, and set many more meaningful
+                 things.
+bfin> sntp
+ntpserverip not set
+bfin> dns pool.ntp.org ntpserverip
+bfin> sntp
+Date: 2009-07-18 Time:  4:06:57
+                 For some helpful things that can be related to DNS in U-Boot,
+                 look at the top level README for these config options:
+                    CONFIG_CMD_DHCP
+                    CONFIG_BOOTP_DNS
+                    CONFIG_BOOTP_DNS2
diff --git a/include/net.h b/include/net.h
index 5a1d36e..f66bbab 100644
--- a/include/net.h
+++ b/include/net.h
@@ -361,6 +361,11 @@ typedef enum { BOOTP, RARP, ARP, TFTP, DHCP, PING, DNS, 
 /* from net/net.c */
 extern char    BootFile[128];                  /* Boot File name               
+#if defined(CONFIG_CMD_DNS)
+extern char *NetDNSResolve;                    /* The host to resolve  */
+extern char *NetDNSenvvar;                     /* the env var to put the ip 
into */
 #if defined(CONFIG_CMD_PING)
 extern IPaddr_t        NetPingIP;                      /* the ip address to 
ping               */
diff --git a/net/Makefile b/net/Makefile
index d341874..46c75c7 100644
--- a/net/Makefile
+++ b/net/Makefile
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ COBJS-y += bootp.o
 COBJS-y += rarp.o
 COBJS-y += eth.o
 COBJS-y += nfs.o
+COBJS-$(CONFIG_CMD_DNS)  += dns.o
 COBJS  := $(COBJS-y)
diff --git a/net/dns.c b/net/dns.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b813a52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net/dns.c
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+ * DNS support driver
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2008 Pieter Voorthuijsen <pieter.voorthuij...@prodrive.nl>
+ * Copyright (c) 2009 Robin Getz <rg...@blackfin.uclinux.org>
+ *
+ * This is a simple DNS implementation for U-Boot. It will use the first IP
+ * in the DNS response as NetServerIP. This can then be used for any other
+ * network related activities.
+ *
+ * The packet handling is partly based on TADNS, original copyrights
+ * follow below.
+ *
+ */
+ * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Sergey Lyubka <vale...@gmail.com>
+ *
+ * "THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 42):
+ * Sergey Lyubka wrote this file.  As long as you retain this notice you
+ * can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you think
+ * this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in return.
+ */
+#include <common.h>
+#include <command.h>
+#include <net.h>
+#include "dns.h"
+char *NetDNSResolve;   /* The host to resolve  */
+char *NetDNSenvvar;    /* The envvar to store the answer in */
+static int DnsOurPort;
+static void
+       struct header *header;
+       int n, name_len;
+       uchar *p, *pkt;
+       const char *s;
+       const char *name;
+       enum dns_query_type qtype = DNS_A_RECORD;
+       name = NetDNSResolve;
+       pkt = p = (uchar *)(NetTxPacket + NetEthHdrSize() + IP_HDR_SIZE);
+       /* Prepare DNS packet header */
+       header           = (struct header *) pkt;
+       header->tid      = 1;
+       header->flags    = htons(0x100);        /* standard query */
+       header->nqueries = htons(1);            /* Just one query */
+       header->nanswers = 0;
+       header->nauth    = 0;
+       header->nother   = 0;
+       /* Encode DNS name */
+       name_len = strlen(name);
+       p = (uchar *) &header->data;    /* For encoding host name into packet */
+       do {
+               s = strchr(name, '.');
+               if (!s)
+                       s = name + name_len;
+               n = s - name;                   /* Chunk length */
+               *p++ = n;                       /* Copy length  */
+               memcpy(p, name, n);             /* Copy chunk   */
+               p += n;
+               if (*s == '.')
+                       n++;
+               name += n;
+               name_len -= n;
+       } while (*s != '\0');
+       *p++ = 0;                       /* Mark end of host name */
+       *p++ = 0;                       /* Some servers require double null */
+       *p++ = (unsigned char) qtype;   /* Query Type */
+       *p++ = 0;
+       *p++ = 1;                               /* Class: inet, 0x0001 */
+       n = p - pkt;                            /* Total packet length */
+       debug("Packet size %d\n", n);
+       DnsOurPort = 10000 + (get_timer(0) % 4096);
+       NetSendUDPPacket(NetServerEther, NetOurDNSIP, DNS_SERVICE_PORT,
+               DnsOurPort, n);
+       debug("DNS packet sent\n");
+static void
+       puts("Timeout\n");
+       NetState = NETLOOP_FAIL;
+static void
+DnsHandler(uchar *pkt, unsigned dest, unsigned src, unsigned len)
+       struct header *header;
+       const unsigned char *p, *e, *s;
+       u16 type, i;
+       int found, stop, dlen;
+       char IPStr[22];
+       IPaddr_t IPAddress;
+       short tmp;
+       debug("%s\n", __func__);
+       if (dest != DnsOurPort)
+               return;
+       for (i = 0; i < len; i += 4)
+               debug("0x%p - 0x%.2x  0x%.2x  0x%.2x  0x%.2x\n",
+                       pkt+i, pkt[i], pkt[i+1], pkt[i+2], pkt[i+3]);
+       /* We sent 1 query. We want to see more that 1 answer. */
+       header = (struct header *) pkt;
+       if (ntohs(header->nqueries) != 1)
+               return;
+       /* Received 0 answers */
+       if (header->nanswers == 0) {
+               puts("DNS server returned no answers\n");
+               NetState = NETLOOP_SUCCESS;
+               return;
+       }
+       /* Skip host name */
+       s = &header->data[0];
+       e = pkt + len;
+       for (p = s; p < e && *p != '\0'; p++)
+               continue;
+       /* We sent query class 1, query type 1 */
+       tmp = p[1] | (p[2] << 8);
+       if (&p[5] > e || ntohs(tmp) != DNS_A_RECORD) {
+               puts("DNS response was not A record\n");
+               NetState = NETLOOP_SUCCESS;
+               return;
+       }
+       /* Go to the first answer section */
+       p += 5;
+       /* Loop through the answers, we want A type answer */
+       for (found = stop = 0; !stop && &p[12] < e; ) {
+               /* Skip possible name in CNAME answer */
+               if (*p != 0xc0) {
+                       while (*p && &p[12] < e)
+                               p++;
+                       p--;
+               }
+               debug("Name (Offset in header): %d\n", p[1]);
+               tmp = p[2] | (p[3] << 8);
+               type = ntohs(tmp);
+               debug("type = %d\n", type);
+               if (type == DNS_CNAME_RECORD) {
+                       /* CNAME answer. shift to the next section */
+                       debug("Found canonical name\n");
+                       tmp = p[10] | (p[11] << 8);
+                       dlen = ntohs(tmp);
+                       debug("dlen = %d\n", dlen);
+                       p += 12 + dlen;
+               } else if (type == DNS_A_RECORD) {
+                       debug("Found A-record\n");
+                       found = stop = 1;
+               } else {
+                       debug("Unknown type\n");
+                       stop = 1;
+               }
+       }
+       if (found && &p[12] < e) {
+               tmp = p[10] | (p[11] << 8);
+               dlen = ntohs(tmp);
+               p += 12;
+               memcpy(&IPAddress, p, 4);
+               if (p + dlen <= e) {
+                       ip_to_string(IPAddress, IPStr);
+                       printf("%s\n", IPStr);
+                       if (NetDNSenvvar)
+                               setenv(NetDNSenvvar, IPStr);
+               } else
+                       puts("server responded with invalid IP number\n");
+       }
+       NetState = NETLOOP_SUCCESS;
+       debug("%s\n", __func__);
+       NetSetTimeout(DNS_TIMEOUT, DnsTimeout);
+       NetSetHandler(DnsHandler);
+       memset(NetServerEther, 0, 6);
+       DnsSend();
diff --git a/net/dns.h b/net/dns.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea69c30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net/dns.h
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+ * (C) Masami Komiya <mkom...@sonare.it> 2005
+ *  Copyright 2009, Robin Getz <rg...@blackfin.uclinux.org>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at
+ * your option) any later version.
+ */
+#ifndef __DNS_H__
+#define __DNS_H__
+#define DNS_SERVICE_PORT 53
+#define DNS_TIMEOUT      10000UL
+/* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_DNS_record_types */
+enum dns_query_type {
+       DNS_A_RECORD = 0x01,
+       DNS_CNAME_RECORD = 0x05,
+       DNS_MX_RECORD = 0x0f };
+ * DNS network packet
+ */
+struct header {
+       uint16_t        tid;            /* Transaction ID */
+       uint16_t        flags;          /* Flags */
+       uint16_t        nqueries;       /* Questions */
+       uint16_t        nanswers;       /* Answers */
+       uint16_t        nauth;          /* Authority PRs */
+       uint16_t        nother;         /* Other PRs */
+       unsigned char   data[1];        /* Data, variable length */
+extern void DnsStart(void);            /* Begin DNS */
diff --git a/net/net.c b/net/net.c
index 5637cf5..85dda33 100644
--- a/net/net.c
+++ b/net/net.c
@@ -92,6 +92,9 @@
 #if defined(CONFIG_CDP_VERSION)
 #include <timestamp.h>
+#if defined(CONFIG_CMD_DNS)
+#include "dns.h"
 #if defined(CONFIG_CMD_NET)
@@ -291,6 +294,9 @@ NetInitLoop(proto_t protocol)
                NetServerIP = getenv_IPaddr ("serverip");
                NetOurNativeVLAN = getenv_VLAN("nvlan");
                NetOurVLAN = getenv_VLAN("vlan");
+#if defined(CONFIG_CMD_DNS)
+               NetOurDNSIP = getenv_IPaddr("dnsip");
                env_changed_id = env_id;
@@ -426,6 +435,11 @@ restart:
+#if defined(CONFIG_CMD_DNS)
+               case DNS:
+                       DnsStart();
+                       break;
@@ -1518,6 +1532,14 @@ static int net_check_prereq (proto_t protocol)
                goto common;
+#if defined(CONFIG_CMD_DNS)
+       case DNS:
+               if (NetOurDNSIP == 0) {
+                       puts("*** ERROR: DNS server address not given\n");
+                       return 1;
+               }
+               goto common;
 #if defined(CONFIG_CMD_NFS)
        case NFS:
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